Winds of Change

You know those days were you just can’t seem to get ahead no matter what you do, like you’re moving in slow motion? That’s how I’ve been feeling for the past few days. To add to it, it’s been dark and cloudy making everything seems so ominous. It makes my thoughts turn inwards which is a recipe for too much thinking. Reflection is good but sometimes when I am alone with my thoughts it can be unbearable. I really hate that feeling.

There’s something else other than the weather that bothers me. There’s something in the air that I can’t explain, something that’s never been there before, something almost threatening. It feels like the winds of change mixed in with something evil. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m really aware of the turmoil in the world for the first time in my life. I often wonder if it’s my imagination and that my negative, anxious thoughts are tainting everything around me. I have a very discerning spirit so I can usually tell if something is not right but just like my built-in gaydar, it’s sometimes wrong. This time I have a sinking feeling I’m right because it comes from my soul. I usually don’t delight in being wrong but sometimes I make an exception. The world goes on around me oblivious to my anxious thoughts and any potential dangers lurking around the corner.

Today when I went to pick up my daughter from her daymother’s house. I really didn’t want to leave my house. I walked out of my house today and I felt like running back in. I just had that foreboding feeling. I picked her up, did my shopping and came right back home, no beating around the bush for me.

A lot of this “bad” feeling may boil down to anxiety but I think some of the threat is very real. The threat is in the form of unwanted change and, of course, the evil that seems to be so blatant these days. The devil is very bold these days. He is no longer subtle. All you need to do is to see what passes for entertainment these days but I digress. All we can do is roll with it until That Day comes.


4 Responses to Winds of Change

  1. Cindy November 27, 2012 at 22:10 #

    I too have noticed an abnormal amount of bad things happening this past year…incl. lots of funerals …old and young. I have personally known more people die this past year than I have my entire life. Something is definitely wrong. And now there is something wrong with me. Do you think God is picking us off one by one before the Rapture?

    • admin November 27, 2012 at 22:58 #

      I have had more friends die on me in the past few years but that can be expected the longer you live. Somewhere in the Bible it states that God is taking those people to save them from troubles ahead. It’s a mercy killing ;) I think you’ll be okay Cindy.

  2. Cindy November 27, 2012 at 23:37 #

    I like that: “God is taking those people to save them from troubles ahead.” When my time comes, I hope it is quick and not slow n’ painful. And, now is not that time.

    • admin November 27, 2012 at 23:50 #

      I agree :)

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