Not So High Points

I’ve been pouring over the news looking for something interesting to blog about. I’m afraid I have come up empty handed. That’s okay since I can ramble on endlessly about nothing. Speaking of nothing, there was one story I relished today, one directed toward nasty, rubberfaced Simon Cowell. Oh the comeuppance that man has coming. Martin Gore of Depeche Mode gave an interview and stated that Simon should be shot for singlehandedly being responsible for the tripe that passes for music. Crappy music put out for a quick buck – quantity over quality. Simon responded by calling Martin “Weirdo Gore.” I will take the musical genius that is “Weirdo Gore” over botoxed Simon any old day. What a repulsive man. He makes my skin crawl as much as Ma Kardashian. I never liked him or the crap he’s peddlin’. Depeche Mode has been around over 30 years and proven the test of time. They still have legions of fans, me being a huge one. Simon is not fit to tie Martin’s shoes and he knows it. Maybe he doesn’t, he’s so far up his own butt.

One of the first things I saw today was that video of the Brazilian elevator prank that has been circulating – not scary, not scary at all, just stupid. The elevator goes dark on an unsuspecting victim and a ghost girl crawls out from one of the panels. If these victims were actually afraid, they must be scared of an old man’s shadow. Were they hoping that one of these old people actually does get cared and keels over on camera? I don’t know about Brazil but that sh*t wouldn’t fly in the US. We’re talking major lawsuits.They should have screened the participants a little more carefully. To scare elderly people with bad tickers is just not a good idea no matter what. Anyways, 6 minutes of my life I can never get back. Here is an article on it in case you are interested.

Luckily in the course of the day, I found out Mitt Romney merchandise is on sale for 75% off. I bet the man with the permanent RR tattoo on his face is burning up his credit card online as we speak. Fortunately for my friends I have my shopping list and credit card handy. Who wants what? What the hell. Romney paraphernalia for everyone.

Lastly, we say goodbye to Larry Hagman. I remember vividly, the evil, Machiavellian J.R. Ewing with his neverending schemes. I never really watched Dallas but caught clips of it since my parents were watching religiously. One scene is forever etched in my mind – the one where he kidnapped his own son at gunpoint and took him away in a helicopter while is wife Sue Anne looked on helplessly from the ground. One summer it was all about who shot J.R. Everybody was kept in suspense all summer only for it to be some minor character. I remember it being a real letdown. I was more of an “I Dream of Jeannie” fan. I spent a chunk of my childhood watching it. That and “Bewitched”. I will dedicate my genie bottle themed room to Major Anthony Nelson. Okay, that’s that. I’ll pick up the supplies to tomorrow if I have any money left over from that huge Mitt Romney sale. Well, I guess I better turn in before I turn to dust. Ciao :)

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