Whatever You Say or Do

I am long overdue for a blog post. Being absent for over a week, this makes me such a bad blogger. A bad, bad blogger. There will be no gold stars where I’m going but that’s okay. Since I have been so under the weather for over a week, all I have cared about was feeling better. Now that I feel like a human again, let the fun commence. That’s how it is with me – fun, fun, fun. That’s just how I roll.

Speaking of fun, where has it all gone? I used to have it but the current state of the world seems to have sucked it all out.. Now everybody is so whiny and everything has to be so politically correct to the point of stupidity. I read a watered-down article on Yahoo(It’s the only kind they have) where homemade cupcakes were confiscated because there were adorned with little green army men. You know, the plastic little men on Toy Story. Growing up, these were the epitome of good, wholesome fun and patriotism. Has the world gone mad? You don’t even have to answer that.

Years ago, I was waiting tables at Olive Garden and also waiting for my destiny to arrive. While I was waiting, and waiting, I worked with a fun group of people and I was happy on this stepping stone for a little while. We wore ties and buttons to work as flair just like Jennifer Anniston did in ‘Office Space’. Great movie, by the way. Right after September 11 attacks one of the server’s mom started making stars and stripes ties for everyone. It only took one customer to state that they found the ties offensive and the management folded like a deck of cards. One manager was actually from Italy and was very proud to be in America and she had been good to him. He said he would serve if they needed him so I know it wasn’t his call to nix the ties. Maybe he was afraid of get deported. Who in America has the right to be offended by the American Flag? We were in the United States of America, were we not? If you don’t like it, find somewhere else to go. I will not let someone enforce their sensitivities on me.

Here’s another example.

I am the furthest thing from a Kardashian fan. I am actually very anti-Kardashian but I won’t delve further unlike countless black athletes and rappers. Anyways, I remember that old bag Ma Kardashian giving an interview somewhere and calling someone an ‘Indian Giver’. There was a big uproar because the Indians felt insulted. Who gives a damn? I certainly hope she didn’t apologize just like Joan Rivers did not after her joke about the Jews being pushed into ovens. Joan did not give into political correctness and I say good for her. She is always crude. If you don’t like here, don’t by a ticket.

All it takes nowadays is for one littlecry baby to complain and something becomes taboo. Whatever you say or do is always held against you. Our freedoms are taken away daily – inch by inch. Where does the madness stop? When does it end? Are we at the point of no return? I am afraid we are my friends. I’m afraid we are.

6 Responses to Whatever You Say or Do

  1. Cindy March 11, 2013 at 07:19 #

    You are so rightI People are too hyper-sensitive about everything nowadays. You can’t even put up a poster of the ‘ain’t nobody got time for that’ lady, without someone taking it wrong. Which, by the way, I thought you handled superbly. I would have been tempted to respond, Aint Nobody Got Time For That! Btw, which Olive Gardens did you work at? The one on Mansfield? Oh, and it’s harder to notice when you put up a blog now since it changed from ‘Shea Forest shared a link-Shea’s Gallery’ to just ‘Shea shared a link’.

    • admin March 12, 2013 at 01:00 #

      Thanks for your input. I love Fred but I thought he was taking that lady wrong way. I sent him a link to Antoine Dodson’s FB page and he told me he didn’t want that tire thang on his page and deleted it. He really is funny and a sweet person. He made working at Posado’s bearable. I worked at the Olive Garden on Mansfield Rd. back when that side of town was still bearable.You probably don’t see my post because I don’t pay fb to promote it.

  2. Cindy March 12, 2013 at 04:35 #

    When you said that you wore cute little ties and buttons at Olive Gardens all of a sudden I had a flashback. I’ve been bumping into you from time to time waaay before Plastech! What a trip!

  3. Cindy March 12, 2013 at 05:41 #

    OMG! Laughing My Azz Off!! I just looked up Antoine Dodson. You didn’t!!! TFF!

    • admin March 12, 2013 at 09:59 #

      It seems like I’m the only one that remembers him.

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