What’s the Deal?

I am so tired and weary in every facet of my real life. I don’t need to add cyberdrama to the list. Facebook is the biggest culprit but something keeps me coming back for more. Not sure what it is. There’s nothing like getting insulted first thing in the morning to start the day. Here’s a good example. A person that I’ve been friends with since MySpace was popular, eons ago, practically turned into a raving lunatic when I commented on his Facebook wall that the media is biased. He has been one of my favorite friends but all of a sudden he started hurling insults such as telling me my perspective was limited and making a big deal of the fact that I live overseas. Would he say that to good American citizens serving in the military that are stationed abroad? I highly doubt it.  Anyways, that’s beside the point. What is it about Obama supporters that sets them off when you make a simple comment against him? I certainly wouldn’t go haywire if someone insulted Romney. I’m not married to the man and he holds no power over me whatsoever so I could care less. In another example, I told another rabid supporter back in the summer that I was voting for Romney. He had always seemed very kindhearted and likeable – until then. Me and another well meaning fb friend of his told him our intentions not to vote for Obama. It was just a polite conversation until that simple statement. Well, Willard the Queen went on a ballistic rant then blocked and deleted us both. His name really was Willard, I sh*t you not. It’s like his mind just snapped at the thought of us not supporting Obama the Wonder President. What is the deal? Why do Obama supporters not see any wrong that he does? They just blindly follow. I’ve never seen anything like it in all my 39 years. Bush got bashed 24/7 by the media but you say something against Obama and they crucify you. It’s like it’s against the law to not like him or disagree with him. I, for one, am tired of getting persecuted for not being a follower. He doesn’t have one here. Well, enough of my political rants today. Luckily it will be over soon. Til next time. Peace :)

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10 Responses to What’s the Deal?

  1. Michelle October 20, 2012 at 11:30 #

    Well I am not a fan or supporter of O’drama either. I personally believe he is taking us into a government dependent nation. Anyway, I have tried not to bash him and yet because I “like” some of Romney stuff, I was called a racist. I am as far from that as anyone. Ask the team of people I lead as office manger who happen to be all black. It thru me for a loop that because I do not support the great and might O that made me racist. I do not care what color you are. If you are not doing the job you were hired to do then you need to be replaced. I pray that the results of this election do not further divide this great nation.
    Just my take.

    • admin October 20, 2012 at 11:47 #

      He’s managed to divide everyone in ways I never though possible. His race is the one thing he has going for him. Everyone is afraid to disagree and be called rascist.

  2. Cindy October 20, 2012 at 23:10 #

    “What is it about O’bama supporters (and Romney, for that matter) that sets them off when you make a simple comment against him?”, you ask. It is because most people take their politics, like their religion, very seriously. And when you disagree with and question their views, it’s like you’re attacking their belief systems. Btw, I remember a time when it was considered ‘unpatriotic’ and ‘one should move to another country’ if you disagreed with what Bush was doing while he was in office. Not everybody can just agree to disagree. Not everyone is as tactful, open-minded, nor enlightened as you or me. Try not to take it personally when you get burnt playing with fire. ;) As for me, I am still undecided as to how I’m going to vote. Don’t really care for either one of them. If I had my way, we would be voting Hillary Clinton into her second term in office now….but Noooo…nobody wanted to do THAT.

    • admin October 20, 2012 at 23:47 #

      Nobody wanted Hillary simply because she is a women – sad fact. It’s a boy’s club but hopefully not forever. Unfortunately, her time has probably already passed. Obama’s letting her take the fall over Benghazi, so this won’t sit well in the future if she wants to run again. I would never attack or question someone’s choices like people do to me all the time. In my 1st example all I did was mention that the media is biased, which it is, and it escalated from there. He’s a California liberal and crazy about Obama obviously. People go crazy when you question the mighty Obama, not that I would want you to test that theory or anything. People look at you like you’re crazy when you tell them you don’t like how he’s running my country.It’s very cult like and I’ve never seen anything like it but I think a lot of people are finally waking up.You have a right not to like Bush. A lot of people don’t. Just do your research before you vote. It’s very important to know who you’re voting for. Personally, I’m not crazy about either but right now it’s sink or swim for America and I think we need to go in a different direction :)

      • Cindy October 21, 2012 at 20:28 #

        I do my homework. :) And I do read all your political posts to check out different opposing views. Thank you for sharing them, btw. I Just don’t like to get involved with the arguing and debating over who’s the best man for the job. When the time comes, I will quietly go and vote. I think you have handled all this political talk with a lot of tact and class even when other people have not treated you the same…it says something about your character…I respect that.

        • admin October 21, 2012 at 20:44 #

          Thank you Cindy. That really means a lot to me.I can totally understand you not wanting to get into political arguments. A friend sent me an email asking me if I was done bashing Obama for the day. He was trying to be funny. I think. Of course he is from NY, where they all support him. I didn’t think I was that bad.Hopefully you won’t have to hear it much longer. Thank God it’s almost over. I will watch the debates tomorrow night but I am very tired of this election. I think I was already tired of it in July :)

  3. our math teacher knew my mom October 21, 2012 at 03:56 #

    RANT alert !!! if Hilary were elected, I would move to Mexico. It has nothing to do with her gender. She has poor character, she makes global decisions withouT concern for.the individual. Proof of that is her relationship with her husband. The guy is a womanizer and she just let’s it go. I know its a personal choice, but if she will allow that type of infidelity in her marriage, what should we expect her to do when presiding over the white house. Her management of foreign policy is a joke. Claiming that Obama set her up to take the fall for Bhengazi is a farce. She is a far more experienced politician than he is. She, like her husband, failed to protect American lives, plain and simple. Like I said, Mexico, or further south.

    • admin October 21, 2012 at 10:12 #

      The Clintons have a purely political marriage, not something I would want. I don’t think she cares what he does as long as it doesn’t come out into the open like the Monica ordeal. You know that was embarrassing for her. I thinks Hillary is as sharp as a whip but I didn’t say she was blameless since she is a little shady like all politicians, maybe even more so. Her and BO failed to protect the Americans in Benghazi but for some reason I’m not totally sure about, she’s taking sole responsibility. He needs to man up. Personally, I don’t think she likes the president at all. She’s just playing the game. I think should would have made a good president but I think it’s too late now. Right now it’s sunrise or sunset for American Freedom so I have to go with Romney.

  4. our math teacher knew my mom October 21, 2012 at 14:49 #

    I agree with you on Romney. And for the same reason, lesser of two evils. Too many people, foreign and domestic, have died in issues related to her. I think monica’s debacle probably saved her life. But that’s another story. I vow to no longer comment on politics until after the election.(or at least try very hard)

    • admin October 21, 2012 at 14:55 #

      I could tell in interviews that Monica was scared that something was going to happen to her and I think she said something to that affect. That definitely did save her life. With Hilary, you just don’t get in her way. She is sharp but vicious. She would have done a better job than that clown we have now. I am so tired of political talk too. After the election I will try not to talk about it but I can’t guarantee anything.

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