Talk Dirty To Me

I know it’s been a whole month since I last blogged and I am such a bad blogger. Terrible in fact. Life can go at such a hectic pace and bring about new ‘developments’ that very little time is left for blogging. With that being said, the Blanche Devereaux in me is starting to resurface as my long term relationship becomes more and more like brotherly and sisterly. I never thought I would see the day but I digress.

Sometimes I get talked into doing things I would not normally do and against my better judgement. A while back I joined a dating website unaware that it was anything other than a social network like Facebook and let’s face it, I’m all about the social networks. I was not interested in dating so when I found out I didn’t go back to the page. My picture is floating around on Badoo as we speak – forever. Forever alone. I was curious to know if my long term partner would ever stumble upon it thinking I was going out on numerous dates behind his back which I never was. My conscience is clean about that.

One thing I did do was join a website an unsatisfied friend referred me to to meet other unsatisfied people. Heck, I don’t know what my partner does behind my back either. He probably gets lap dances on his lunch break. Anyways, I came into contact (not physically) with some nice people but I also came into contact with a lot of horny and aggressive ones. I was so unprepared. Foolishly unprepared. When I would log on I would be instantly bombarded with emails and I couldn’t keep up. It was actually raining men and for once it felt like too many. Some wanted to meet me somewhere then and there – pick me up at the station – but most of them wanted to Video Chat RIGHT NOW!!!

I reluctantly agreed to one person because I thought he had a cute chest and smile then the guy asked me if I could type a little faster and begging me to set up my webcam. I was already in bed and looked like sh*t. He tried to tell me he liked that look. Men will say or do anything for sex won’t they? Believe it or not I don’t go to bed ready for a session with the webcam – not anymore – especially with my child laying next to me. Needless to say the conversation ended abruptly despite his nice manly chest.

What gets into to people? Really. I have guys pop up out of the blue on Facebook asking if I would have sex with them or just sending pictures of their privates. Does my face just scream ‘easy’? Do I need to tone down the makeup a notch or 2? Just because my place of business is not listed does not mean I work the streets. And it’s not only the men that do it. I have had females do the exact same thing. I never could figure out why. Do I look like Martina Navratilova?

I am basically good but I am a bit mischievous and my partner knew what he was in for when he signed up. I’m not the one who picked me.

Well, I’m signing off now. More on this subject tomorrow. I could fill a book.

5 Responses to Talk Dirty To Me

  1. Cinday May 14, 2013 at 02:37 #

    It’s your eyes, Shea…

    Unbelievable! I just can’t believe no one commented on this! You need to share your blogs with other bloggers in a blogging community, like This one had all the elements of a great blog: Sex, betrayal, and love gone sour, plus it was humorous, controversial, thought provoking, (Rated-R) juicy and just full of good unwholesome fun! Very brave of you to share this with everyone. In fact, You Got the Biggest Balls of ‘Em All!!! I am sure a lot of women (and men) in long term relationships can relate to how you feel and I imagine it has got to be hard to be faithful nowadays with the internet around.

    • admin May 23, 2013 at 21:39 #

      Thanks for the comment. So true Cindy so true.

  2. Cindy May 22, 2013 at 23:03 #

    It’s your eyes Shea…

    I can’t believe no one commented on this! You need to share your blogs with other bloggers in a blogging community like, I thought it was controversial, humourous, Rated-R juicy and just full of good unwholesome fun! I’m sure a lot of people in long-term relationships can relate to how you feel. Btw…when you gonna write that dirty book?

    • admin May 23, 2013 at 21:38 #

      That is indeed a goo idea. Thanks.

  3. Cindy May 23, 2013 at 01:31 #

    I commented twice on this and both times they disappeared. Are you deleting my comments? If so, why? If not, then what’s up with that?

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