Halloween Quick Fix

I’ve been trying to get into the Halloween Spirit this year but it’s not been easy. There have been way too many things to worry about and this pagan holiday has been on the back-burner. I haven’t even bought a pumpkin yet. I always seem to remember at the most inopportune time like when I’m out without a car and I refuse to carry a pumpkin home or throw the baby out of her buggy just to make room for it. I will see if I can scrounge one up today when I go shopping with the car and pick up some ingredients to make caramel apples, which consists of caramels and apples, in that order. It’s always the same. There is always a good bit of apple left after the caramel is gone which is a travesty. Not enough caramel is never a good thing. I always toss the leftover apple out since I don’t like apples by themselves. I’m feeling a little pressure lifted off of me this weekend. I think tonight calls for watching Poltergeist I and II with a big bucket of popcorn after the baby is in bed. I really don’t want to traumatize her with the Reverend Cane. That man still scares the sh*t out of me at 40 years of age. He still haunts my mind when I can’t sleep and all sorts of things conspire to keep me awake. You’re probably wondering why I omitted Poltergeist III. If you’ve seen it you probably know why – bad acting and stupid plot. Everyone looked half dead, especially Carol Anne who actually was dying. What happened to her was tragic and preventable. But that is worthy of another post. A respectful one. Anyways, my favorite part of Halloween in America every year are the creepy shows on TV. Unfortunately Germans could care less about ghosts, which is a disappointment since that’s something I relish. There’s nothing like a creepy chill going up your spine. I guess I’ll have to hit up YouTube to get my fill of ghosts. I especially love Celebrity Ghost Stories. The little snippets always gives me a quick-fix without having to watch a whole movie. I saw some on ebay. I think I will order it. In the immortal words of Depeche Mode, I just can’t get enough. What I do hate are those shows where they’re running around in the dark with their infrared light. So not interesting. I thinkĀ  will make it a point to do something exciting next year. This year, it just ain’t happenin’. Well, I’m gonna wrap this beauty up a I’ll be back around later on Cheers :)

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