To Us It Is the Beast

With the world changing at such an accelerated rate, I would like to touch on a subject that is, shall I say, ‘touchy’, but it has come to the forefront and can no longer be ignored. They say what you don’t know can’t hurt you but yes it can. “My people perish from a lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6 comes to mind here. Now, I’m not one for Bible beating and spouting off scripture at the drop of a hat because I always found that quite irritating in a person. Nobody likes to be browbeaten. I’m simply using this blog to inform and help others, not to preach. I, for one, don’t want eternal damnation and I doubt most people do. There are a more than a few misguided souls though who are in league with the devil and think he will reward them for their service but that is worthy of a whole other blog post. With that little preface, let’s start with the subject at hand: The Mark of the Beast.

The first thing I was hit with this morning while my eyes were stinging from sleep deprivation was an article about a ‘locator’ chip used in Texas student IDs. Two schools in Texas are being experimented with the chip. Here is the article for more in depth coverage. This story caught my attention even in my almost catatonic state. The parents of a girl are suing because they think the chip is the Mark of the Beast. While I think this is jumping the gun a little bit, I do believe it is a precursor. This ‘locator’ chip can track you with GPS-like precision if you are not in class. That is a blatant breach of privacy. Big Brother is breathing down our necks and have been in one form or another for some time now but more subtle. Now the powers that be are getting bolder and bolder. Eventually it will be so bold that these chips will be required. One thing I don’t understand is that only one student’s parents complained. This means that everyone else is okay with it. To me, this says that most of society has no problem with being tracked and monitored on a daily basis, like sheep to the slaughter. This is just the beginning of such things. Now let’s talk about this Mark and what it will look like.

According to my research, yes, I really do my homework so as not to spout off misinformation, everything is already ready. We have all the technology needed to implement the Mark. In case you are worried about receiving it without knowledge, don’t worry, you will be given the option. It will be totally voluntary. There may be some coercion but ultimately it will be up to you. All our personal information will be on a chip but it will be more like a tattoo that will be put on the right hand or the forehead. I will have to pass on either.“If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.” Revelation 14:9,10. No thank you. I don’t need the wrath of God upon me now or ever. Receiving the Mark will become law. No one will be able to buy or sell without it. No matter who you are, you will need it in order to carry on with ordinary life. “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17. This means no more shopping for Christians ever. Now, I can do without a new purse or a pair of shoes but without food I cannot survive. I could maybe live off my own fat but a little while but we’re talking years here. I guess it will back to the dumpster for me, looking for a rat. Things will be brutal. I’m just hoping He beams me up. I do not, repeat, do not want to be left behind. I will let the reader glean whatever he wants from this. These are the facts. I did not make this up and I can’t change it. Just give it to God..

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4 Responses to To Us It Is the Beast

  1. Cindy November 29, 2012 at 01:26 #

    Yes, just give it to God, Shea. Now I’m going to share something that others have said to me: Don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on bad things that might or might not happen or be happening; it doesn’t change anything and can affect your health in a negative way. Why didn’t you get any sleep last night? I am in no way invalidating your point of view. I do feel you are in a really dark place right now. Then I’ll be dwelling on is everything okay with Shea. I think the Devil loves that sh@t…getting in our heads and having us all worried and stressed out. I chose to tune him out and to have faith that God will not give me more than I can handle.

    • admin November 29, 2012 at 07:30 #

      I just have a alot going on right now. It’s seems like I’m always in a dark place. Unfortunately somethings can’t be denied. That’s the scary part. Thanks for your input.

      • Cindy November 29, 2012 at 08:13 #

        Good, I’m glad you didn’t take that wrong. And I competely understand where you’re coming from. I can be pretty dark too, but I’m trying not to go there right now. Just doing a lot of praying here lately and I believe it is helping. :)

        • admin November 29, 2012 at 09:37 #

          It always helps :)

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