Dream, Dream, Dream

When we turn off the waking world and go to sleep, our deepest fears come to the forefront. Being human, we all have the same deep-seated worries of getting old, losing our looks, being unprepared for life. Well, except for me. I’ve never felt that way – never, ever. Among the most common ones are the ones about teeth falling out, being chased by someone or something, looking for a bathroom without success and being naked in public, one I grew up having too many times to count. Here are just a few I would like to comment on.

The naked dreams are the most uncomfortable for obvious reasons. You’re running around naked looking for clothes but no one seems to know or care. In my naked dreams I am topless, looking for a shirt or at least a bra, trying without success to cover myself with my arms and hands. I always tell the person I am with that I need clothes but they put me off, nonchalantly saying “later” or ignore me completely, like it’s totally normal to be out in public naked. The naked dream is a fear about being exposed, being afraid others can see through you.

One dream I find that is very irritating is the one where you’re running around looking for a toilet and then when you finally find one, it’s unusable for some reason or other. Luckily for me, I am never able to go in my dreams. Something always keeps me from it. I eventually wake up with a full bladder. No tricky dream analysis here.

There is one I always have. In the dream I am either roaming the halls looking for my classes which are usually math or science but usually math. When I finally make it to the right room, I realize it’s the end of the semester and I haven’t attended any classes. Just like Lane Meyer, I usually open my books up to find blank sheets of paper and that I haven’t done anything which isn’t surprising. School’s been out for me since 1999 so this should not be a thing. To me, this is saying that there is something in my waking life that I was not prepared for. I am surprised I don’t have this dream all night every night..

I have a recurring dream and I have yet to find it’s meaning. There is someone either in my house or trying to break in. I have a frequent dream someone is constantly pressing the doorbell and speaking into the intercom. My last intruder scenario was that I was still living in the US and renting a house out in the middle of nowhere. I stopped by for some reason in the car that I don’t have anymore. For some odd reason, I called out to ask if anyone was home and I got a response. It was a man’s voice coming from upstairs. I quickly left to go to another place I lived. In my dreams I am the other half and I live lavishly. When I get to that house, it seems to be flooded with family and friends for some odd reason. I search and search for a phone number for the police and no one in the house can seem to help me. I try and try to call but never can get any answers sort of like in real life. In dreams, a house represents the dreamer but what about the intruder? I never actually see him but I know what he looks like. I have yet to find a solution so I am open to suggestions.

One last dream is of a rather personal nature. It’s sort of embarrassing but here goes. Years ago I had a dream I sprouted male genitalia out of the blue. Most of the dream is a blur but I do remember that I started to have a conversation with a male friend of mine. I have hopes of keeping it under wraps but instead it gets bigger and bigger. To keep my friend from noticing, I try to push it down without success since it seems immoveable. Awkward. What could possibly be interpreted from that? If I had been in any way, shape or form attracted to my friend, this dream would make some sort of sense. Should I start the gender reassignment process? I can still keep my name. How convenient. Seriously, I never found a dream analysis for this one. I’ll keep looking. In the meantime, I’m off to dreamland again.

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5 Responses to Dream, Dream, Dream

  1. Cindy November 27, 2012 at 02:26 #

    After graduating from BPCC, I have had dreams of being at the end of the semester and I have a huge test I have to pass but I haven’t studied any of the 12 plus chapters I need to read. I believe these are stress dreams. And I also have had dreams of teeth falling out and I believe that your body will try to tell you something is wrong through your dreams and you should listen. You’re right about the house representing you. How long have you been having that dream? And you are very brave to share that last one. lol I will definitely have to look that one up! To be honest with you, I have also had a dream where I had a ****! I wonder how many other women have had that dream??? Let’s all be honest here! Thinking about posing that question on your FB blog notice. ;)

    • admin November 27, 2012 at 07:51 #

      12 chapters? You really let it slide didn’t you? I get the teeth dream but more often I look in the mirror and see someone else. It’s always a little sad. I have had the intruder dream since I moved here. A friend of my told me she had a dream where she grew a pair. I guess it’s not so uncommon afterall, just sorta embarrassing ;)

  2. Cindy November 27, 2012 at 10:39 #

    I’m beginning to think it’s quite normal! lol I wonder how guys have dreamed of having a ******? I think that would be much worse. ;)

    • admin November 27, 2012 at 13:58 #

      Now that is disturbing.

      • Cindy November 27, 2012 at 22:13 #


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