We Are Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On

I think I have finally done it. I have finally gotten 8 hours of quality sleep. That being so, I still feel like I could use a little more. Sleep is such a luxury when you have children to look after and you work for yourself. I am an artist. It is my life’s work. Just like everybody else, if I don’t work, I don’t get paid. I work into the early morning hours trying to squeeze just one more picture out and try to keep going since no one gets anything done by sleeping. I have noticed that my best work is produced through near exhaustion. Maybe that is the key- that state inbetween sleeping and waking where your mind is susceptable to things seemingly from another reality. Strange things have happened to me in this “I’m almost awake but not quite” period. Once I could have sworn my cat was telling me to get out of bed. Even creepier, when I was about 19 I opened my eyes to see a little boy dressed like Little Lord Fauntleroy standing there trying to tell me something though I could not understand him. He appeared to me a few times – sometimes in the middle of my room and sometimes right next to my pillow. Just a few years ago I decided to take a nap while my son was in school and I had to be somewhere on time (can’t remember where). I heard his voice telling me to get up so I did. It donned on me that he wasn’t even home. I would never indulged any of my therapists in these stories as I really didn’t and still don’t want to end up in a straight jacket. This begs the question: Was my cat really communicating with me in that grey area between the world we see and the world we don’t? I believe so. Maybe beause I wish it so. Was there an entity trying to tell me something, maybe even a warning of some kind? Could be, but then again, my life has been filled with warnings I have failed to heed. I am not totally sure about this one but if anyone has any answers, please feel free to leave a comment – I love comments. I do believe there is such a strong bond between a mother and her children that communication is entirely possible through these means. Why telepathically wake your mother up? That calls for a telepathic butt whoopin’. When it comes down to it, I think some people are just sensitive to these kinds of things and I am definitely one of them.

“You know that place between sleep and awake?

That place where you still remember dreaming?

That’s where I’ll always love you…

Peter Pan. That’s where I’ll be waiting”.


3 Responses to We Are Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On

  1. Cindy August 29, 2012 at 09:40 #

    Hmmm….I don’t think I’ll be coming to your house to spend the night anytime soon. ;)

    • admin August 29, 2012 at 09:52 #

      Then you won’t be getting any of my Reeses Peanut Butter Cup cake.

      • Cindy August 30, 2012 at 01:02 #

        Oh Nooooooo!

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