Never Enough

I would love to learn more. I have been an artist all my life but I still need to learn more. It’s never enough. As an artist it is important to learn different techniques and broaden your horizons. Even if I live to be 100, I couldn’t do everything I wanted to do and gain all the knowledge I would like to have.  Possibilities are endless once the key is unlocked and the creative juices are flowing. Once I have had some caffeine, perhaps a bit too much, the door is open and the ideas cannot be stopped. My only option is to pour it into painting, graphics, or other artistic pursuits. Graphics usually win but that is beside the point. Sometimes, like today I am on a caffeine frenzy, where my energy must be expended in some way. A nice, hardcore workout would defintely help, but art is where I will put it at the moment. When I take to a piece I’ve been wanting to finish, it can either be completed in an artistic frenzy or it could turn into a big ole’ sh***y mess. Ok that is another tangent. Back to waht I was saying.

There never seems to be enough time in the day to do all I want to do.  It seems like a constant battle against Father Time to get everything I want to accomplish in this life done. I had a college professor who once tell me that there were so many ideas that you shouldn’t waste too much time on one piece. I agree with him to an extent but since I am such a perfectionist, that’s a no-go for me. I must toil day and night on the same damn piece until it’s perfect. I know Andy Warhol said to just make art. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, just do it and let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad – Sh*t or Shinola. Well, I have to say, some of his pieces were just Sh*t. I agree with old Andy that we should just keep on creating no matter what. And I do. I have so many unfinished pieces that I am working on but what keeps them from being finished is my nitpicking ways. Life is short. Carpe diem!



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