Royal Asses

Since last week’s announcement that the royal couple are expecting, the press articles have been relentless and I am already tired of hearing about it. From the looks of things, it’s going to be a long 8 or 9 months for everybody. Not that I’m not happy for them. I’m just tired of hearing about it. I find Will & Kate a bit boring, but I think it’s wonderful that they are expecting a baby. There is something special about bringing a new life into the world. There’s nothing like a baby to make a little family complete. Due to Diana’s influence, I think William will be a great daddy. She would be so proud of him and, no doubt, relish becoming a grandmother. Judging by the pics, Wills looks tickled pink at becoming  father. No, I don’t think he’s the Antichrist like some do, but one never knows, does one? Anyways, I digress.

I saw a few articles recently, one speculated on whether the baby will be fat and another suggesting what the mom-to-be should wear for all 3 trimesters. The misguided soul who wrote the article somehow thought she should wear a warm parka in the last month which will be in the middle of summer. Somehow, I don’t think Kate will be paying attention to such tripe. Unfortunately, when tragedy unfolds, no one can help but pay attention.

No doubt, everyone, by now, has heard about the two obnoxious Australian DJs that prank called Kate’s hospital impersonating the Queen and Prince Charles. Here is a more in-depth article including scathing comments at the bottom. It’s become an international outrage. These two attention whores not only gained the Duchess of Cambridge‘s personal information under false pretenses, but they openly bragged about it. Not only was it not funny, it’s illegal. They need to be prosecuted. Now the nurse, Jacintha Saldanha, who put the call through has killed herself, so it’s really not funny now, is it? What could be going on in the minds of these two mental midgets? Needless to say, the backlash has been fierce. That radio station has been bombarded with calls and the DJs have closed their Twitter accounts. The station has taken them off the air for now but refuse to fire them. What the hell is going on in Australia? Do they condone this behavior? It’s very telling that some lawyers gave it a go-ahead before the incident occurred so obviously they do condone it. Their licenses need to be revoked.

Though I personally wouldn’t kill myself over something like this, we do not know what is going on in someone else’s head. The callers wanted a cheap laugh at someone else’s expense, oblivious to what consequences it would have. We do not know what strain this put her through.While I am all for a good joke, we don’t know how someone is going to take something especially when they are set up for ridicule in front of the world. That has to be brutal.

On a final note, what if Kate lost her baby due to the strain this whole mess has caused? That would mean the DJs would be responsible for the death of, not only the nurse, but the heir to the throne. The Queen is Head of State in Australia so this would be considered treason. Let the DJs chew on this for a while.

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