So It Begins

Being a parent is hard but being a parent of a teenager has got to be the hardest thing ever in the history of world. I can honestly say I was not prepared for any of it. It’s taken a drastic toll on my face. I feel and look like I’ve aged overnight. It’s really not fair. Its already bad enough I have a potato-like figure due to my first pregnancy, never quite getting it back to the way it was, but must I have a Keith Richards face to go with it? The faded looks of 40 are gonna kill me and by the looks of it, Keef barely made it out alive. Has anyone checked his pulse lately? It’s possible he’s been dead since the 60′s. Anyways, no matter what you say or do, you can’t hold back Father Time. You can hold it at bay for a while but the inevitable is inevitable.

When you’re younger, you don’t think your youthful looks will ever leave you. When it does and reality kicks in, it’s an eyeopener.  You see everything slipping out of your grasp and you desperately cling to the last straw. A good example would be Madonna. She’s making an absolute fool out of herself in an attempt to make everyone else forget she’s almost 60. It’s not likely that is going to happen. No matter how much she writhes around on the floor, how many ugly little boyfriends she has or how much of her body she exposes, she is still her age. She has a fit body but her face seems to be aging twice as fast than if she hadn’t messed with it. This reminds me that I desperately need to start my workouts again. It would not hurt my feelings if my body looked like that in middle age minus the strange butt and frog legs. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind being that fit now.

They say that as you age, you can choose to save either your body or your face. Could someone please tell that to Liz Hurley? You have to give it to her. She looks great and not filled with botox like lots of other celebrities. If she’s had any work done it was done well. Nigella is another good example. They give me a little hope as I enter my 40′s this coming August. Luckily 40 is not what it used to be and neither is 50, so I do have a little more time before I turn into a wizened hag. I’ll probably end up like Siouxsie Sioux running around in catsuit, covered in tons of kabuki makeup at 55. That’s really how I prefer to age. When that time comes that my son sees the first signs of senility and puts me in a home, I’ll still be trying to look hot. I’ll be the one in Shady Pines wearing the goth makeup.

The best thing to do is not obsess about it. It doesn’t change anything anyways. When the end does come, as it will for everyone, it won’t matter anyways. Until then, Carpe diem :)

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