Monster Mother

I ran across an article today about child killer Susan Smith and her attempts at suicide with a razor blade. How she got a razor blade in jail, I do not know. I, for one, am happy she did not succeed. She should live with her actions til the day she dies. I remember when this happened back in ’94 everyone wanted to lynch her. I am an easy going person but when you hurt a child or animal that brings out my violent side. When you murder your children, the ones that that are entrusted to you, you give up all rights to sympathy or to be set free. I know I am not the best mother and I don’t pretend to be. I love my kids with every fiber of my being and no man is worth killing them for. I’m just glad I have the privilege of being their mom even when they do fill me with rage. Btw, Smith is eligible for parole in 2024. That’s 30 wimpy years, just a slap on the wrist. She should never see the light of day again. I’m very surprised they didn’t murder her in jail.  I hear child killers are marked, which means they will get you just like they did Jeffrey Dahmer.  I don’t normally think about Susan Smith but when I saw her photo crop up it brought back all the hostility I ever felt towards her. According to the article, she has a big, hulking girlfriend. Good. I hope it’s one that doesn’t take no for an answer. Here is the article:–big-lesbian-lover-wealthy-male-suitor-waiting-outside.html


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