Richard the 3rd I Am I Am

If you have any knowledge of English history, you undoubtedly know who Richard the 3rd is. He is one of histories biggest villains ever, and rightfully so if all the is written about him is to be believed. In Shakespeare’s play “Richard III” he is depicted as bloodthirsty with a hunchback, a withered arm, and one shoulder higher than the other – monstrously grotesque inside and out. His hideousness is legendary but is it just that? We shall see. When Richard’s brother Edward the 4th died he left an heir and a spare behind which should have inherited the throne. Since they were standing in his way Richard had his innocents were murdered in the Tower of London and proclaimed himself as king. It did not end there. To add to his resume´, he had his best friend beheaded, poisoned his wife, drowned his brother in a vat of malmsey wine, and claimed his brother was illegitimate making his mom an adulteress, and supposedly had a relationship with his niece. In what can be viewed as karma, he was stabbed and bashed in the head during the Battle of Bosworth. Live by the sword, die by the sword as they say. His body was brought to Leicester on the back of a horse and paraded around the city. Records state he was buried without dignity at Church of the Greyfriars at Leicester which no longer stands and his remain have been a mystery. The crown Richard was wearing during battle had fallen into a bush and was placed on the head of Henry Tudor and there we have the beginning of the Tudor reign and later the Renaissance. But that is a whole other chapter and book, many books, many juicy books. Anyways, getting back to Richard, it has come to my attention that archeologists have unearthed Church of the Greyfriars under a parking lot in Leicester and supposedly his remains have been found. The skeleton has a severe curvature of the spine causing one shoulder to be higher than the other and other markings consistent with battle. The archeologists have finally hit the mother lode here. Another life lesson here: Perseverance pays off. Here is one of many articles I found:

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2 Responses to Richard the 3rd I Am I Am

  1. mimi September 13, 2012 at 17:45 #

    all’s well that ends well…only fitting that they find richard being that they finally found the princes…exactly where they were s’posed to have been…aint dna testing amusing?

    • admin September 13, 2012 at 19:19 #

      I went to the Tower and visited their room. Unfortunately everything was sterile and white and looked like a museum.I was really irritated about that. No remnants of the past left :(

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