Let’s Wrap It Up

It never fails, never ever. This will be another year I said I was gonna send out Christmas cards and didn’t. Actually, I didn’t even lie to myself this year. For over 20 years I have been meaning to send them out. I even buy the cards and address them but they never seem to get mailed like a love letter never sent. When I was growing up, each year my dad’s sister would send her family Christmas card out complete with family photo. My parents never did this and I never do this but I would like to start. I really wanted to start when my son was born but I never got around to it. Now that he is 14, I only have a few more years to make it happen. That upsets me to think about. Let’s move on before I am reduced to tears.

I am so ready to wrap this year up. I was ready to wrap last year up because it was odd but this year has just been a bitch. Hearbreaking is more to the point. We’ve lost so many great people this year, greats such as Whitney Houston, Davy Jones, George Jefferson and 2 of the Sweathogs, not to mention my youth. Those people gave us so much over the years but nothing lasts forever, not even cold November Rain. At least those people were adults and had led full lives. The same can’t be said for those children at Sandy Hook. It’s gonna take a long time to recover from that, but those poor parents never will. I also think about a school friend who shot his kids then himself earlier in the year for no apparent reason, not that any reason would be good. My prayers are with their mother. She will have to live with that forever. May God watch over the people with broken hearts. At age 39, I’ve never seen so much tragedy squeezed into a single year. I tell you, the devil is running rampant because he knows his time is short. At least that is comforting.

On a more personal note, I have my own problems. I got problems and they’re multiplyin’. I have a teenage son who goes ballistic when I shut off his Xbox after his time is up. That in itself is sucking my will to live and really aging me. I thinkĀ  I’ve aged 10 years in the past 6 months. Tonite he broke a dinner plate because I told him not to play a certain game. After we threatened to call the police he decided to clean up his mess. Things like this have become a regular occurrence. I’m not sure how much longer I can live like this anymore. I have a baby to think about and I don’t want her influenced or hurt when I get into it with him like I do. He really enrages me sometimes. He says he’s not going to have any kids if it’s gonna make him as crazy as it makes me. In that case, he better never have them.

On a hostile note, his POS father should have to deal with him for a change since he actually deserves it. I think of all those years of struggling to raise his kid while he has done nothing. How can you bring a child into this world refuse to do anything for them or willingly give money for their care? At least the courts see to it he does. I can’t wait until he gets his just desserts. It’s coming and I hope I get to watch. At least I don’t have to deal with him and his backwoods family. With that knowledge, I do feel somewhat better.

On a purely self-absorbed note, I will make my New Year’s Eve resolutions. Of course, this will be another year I try to lose weight. That’s a given. I really need to make it happen this year. I so don’t want to be fat and forty. I guess I need to start today since my birthday is in August. I can’t believe I’m almost 40. Where did the pretty 20′s go? I tell you, aging sucks unless you’re Gwen Stefani. That’s the cold hard truth. I’m not gonna attempt to sugarcoat it.

With all that said, I’m gonna mercilessly wrap this up like I will this year. Wishing everyone a better year :)

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6 Responses to Let’s Wrap It Up

  1. Cindy December 23, 2012 at 02:54 #

    I love getting Christmas cards! Like hand written letters, which I love receiving and keep forever, it is a rarity nowadays. When my grandmother was here, the fireplace mantel was filled with them. My grandmothers hands were too shaky to write so I would write down what she wanted to say then send them out to family and friends. I miss and <3 her so much. Only a few on the mantel this year and they are the only thing inside this house to remind me that Christmas is going on around us. You're so right, this year has been a real bitch and I can't wait for Christmas to be over with and for the New Year to begin! An that's the cold hard truth!

    • admin December 23, 2012 at 13:17 #

      I remember cards being taped to the mantel back in the day. That’s so thoughtful to help out your grandma like that. You should start taking it upon yourself to do Christmas every year. Don’t worry, this year is almost over. Who knows, mayybe 2013 will be fab :)

  2. Cindy December 23, 2012 at 19:37 #

    It was my pleasure to help my grandmother out, I enjoyed spending time with her. And I am the one who made Christmas happen each year. This year I have NO money. You can’t have Christmas without money.

    • admin December 23, 2012 at 19:44 #

      You can make it happen without money. people do it all the time. It just takes more imagination.

  3. Cindy December 24, 2012 at 05:40 #

    Bullshit! I call bullshit on that!! You try it!!! On second thought…You’re Right! We should all try it…just focus on Jesus for a change…not on buying or receiving gifts. AMEN!

    • admin December 24, 2012 at 08:38 #

      I’m sure that’s the way it used to be.

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