Call Me Psychic

There’s nothing like an end of the world prediction to bring out all the loons. My only fear on December 21st is braving the holiday crowd and dealing with all the nutcases spelling the doom and gloom, not the end itself. Well, I’m usually one of the cynics predicting disaster but not this time.Should you really be worried about the Mayans accurately foretelling the world’s end today, keep in mind that they did not foresee and prevent their own demise so their prediction is null and void. It’s sorta like Dionne Warwick owing millions in taxes and not getting her friends at the Psychic Friends Network to give her those winning lottery numbers. Maybe Miss Cleo beat her to it. Either way, I’m not worried. The world will end when it ends and today is no different than any other day. Hey, if I’m wrong, what are you gonna do to me?

In my 39 years, I have see many a doomsday come and go with some misguided soul thinking he holds the key, only to be totally humiliated the next day. Somehow, in all their wisdom, they never predict that outcome. When you foolishly make a proclamation of this magnitude, what do you really expect? Take Harold CampingĀ  for example. After the world didn’t end the 1st time, he made a new date. Doomsday Revised Edition. He wasn’t embarrassed enough the 1st time? What I really don’t understand is, if the angels in heaven don’t even know when the end will come, what makes these people so special. As if they hold the secret to life itself. Who do they think they are? Frank-N-Furter? I guess if I’m stupid enough to believe the 1st prediction, I might be stupid enough to believe you when you scratch it out and try again.

I remember when I was about 17, there was much talk about the end. I remember wanting to experience life so badly. I thought it was so unfair for the world to be ending when I had barely lived. I pleaded with God to let me experience a little bit of life before he mercilessly ended it all. Over 20 years has passed since then and the world hasn’t ended but it has changed so dramatically. Maybe I shouldn’t have prayed so hard. He could have at least brought the curtain down before the Kardashians and singers like Nicki Minaj made an appearance. That would be what I call a mercy killing.

Call me psychic but I think everything will carry on as it has since the world began. I do, however, have a few questions.

Here’s a few for the Mayans. Did they predict how long the world would have to endure Gangnam Style? Or the sheer lack of talent in the music industry altogether? What a farce it has become? I don’t think Dionne Warwick, Miss Cleo and LaToya Jackson put together could have foreseen that disaster.

On that note, I think I’ll head out into the madness reluctantly. To tell you the truth, I’m more worried about fighting the Christmas shoppers than I am any silly old prediction. Oh, well, it’s almost over. Christmas that is :)


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4 Responses to Call Me Psychic

  1. Cindy December 21, 2012 at 07:13 #

    :D Get this, I heard the Mayans didn’t even predict that the world would end on December 21, 2012…that it is a western myth! And I remember being in California when they said we were gonna get The Big One (earthquake) and California was gonna sink into the ocean! HA! What’s next on the list? LOL!

    • admin December 21, 2012 at 07:57 #

      I don’t really think they predicted the end. It’s just people making something out of nothing. I think California is supposed to drift away from the rest of America but it will be very graduall. I heard it would sink years ago but I havn’t heard about that in a while.

  2. Cindy December 21, 2012 at 08:33 #

    I don’t believe California will ever sink either and if it did drift away from the US, it will take thousands of years just like the continents did. Actually the people in California thought it was a big joke and didn’t really think it would happen like they said just like the Maya people don’t believe in this ‘Mayan prophecy’. In fact the Maya people didn’t actually all disappear…that’s a myth too.

    • admin December 21, 2012 at 14:33 #

      I heard there were a few running around but I haven’t seen them with my own 2 eyes.

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