A Little Nonsense Now and Then

For lack of anything of substance to write about, I will roll out the mental tape projector to tell some old stories of mine. I will weave some golden tales purely for fun. The masses must be amused at all costs and the reader can glean from it whatever he may. It’s a win-win, right? Right. Please just bear in mind that I am not Agatha Christie.

In my youth, I was entranced with the dark arts. Just chalk it up to being young and dumb. I have always been drawn to the dark side. I think I will always be a little dark no matter how close to the light I get. I often wonder if my interest in the occult somehow comes through my mysterious bloodline. I read occultic ties are often passed down from mother to daughter. A good example would be Anne Boleyn and her Queen Elizabeth I. Both were keenly interested in the occult. Even without a crystal ball and all the powers of hell at my command, I foresee tomorrow’s blog already. Moving on…

As a Christian, I stay away from any type of occult practices now, but there was a time I wasn’t so cautious.

There’s one thing me and my friends turned to out of boredom or curiosity and that was the Ouija Board. One particular day a group of us got together in my room for a session of spirit summoning. All of use were in a circle with the Ouija Board placed on a table and candles illuminating our faces. We needed some music and out of desperation, I suggested Mannheim Steamroller’s Christmas album. Someone pointed out that it was blasphemous so we scrapped that idea. Actually the who thing was sacrilegious so we might as well have used it. We might as well have used Anne Murray for that matter. We all put our hands on the board and asked who was there. I remember the session moving too slowly for my taste so I tried to liven things up a bit by suggesting the spirit enter my friend Richard’s body. He bolted upright with a panicked look on his face and screamed. There’s nothing better than yanking a chain while trying to summon a demon. Fortunately, I don’t think we got too far in our plans that day. Maybe we got further than we thought. We’ve all been plagued with problems over the years. When you dance with the devil, what do you expect? We’re lucky we didn’t incur more of God’s anger than we did.

Years ago, before I decided to burn my tarot cards and sever all ties with the occult, I gave myself and many a friend readings. I was bored and restless, looking for answers. God didn’t seem to be providing any or was being too slow for my liking. It’s always in your best interest to wait on Him but hindsight is always 20/20. So, I had a few friends hanging around and, surprise surprise, I decided to pull out the tarot deck. I told my ever present friend Richard to pick a card. When he picked the devil card, he looked a little unnerved and threw it down. I tried to soothe him by shuffling good and giving him another chance. When he drew the devil again for the second time he freaked out. Again, I tried to soothe him through the laughter. Neither of our lives were going in the right direction. Maybe, just maybe, someone was trying to tell us something. Sometimes the message is just loud and clear, unlike most things in life.

Well, I hope you’ve gained some insight of some sort such as, what not to do to incur God’s wrath and that Anne Murray can be played on any occasion. Well, with that said, I’m off to spread some Christmas Cheer. XOX



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