A Blue Christmas

I don’t want harp on the same string over and over but for once, I really can’t help it. With all that is going on in the world today, I find my spirit broken. You might as well dedicate that stupid Mister Mister song, Broken Wings, to me. I always thought they sucked the big one. Another thing that sucks is seeing Lady Gaga and The Stones sharing a stage. A little part of my soul died when I saw the pictures. They are pure talent and I won’t even say what she is. I don’t need any little queens hijacking my page. Okay, on to more serious talks, that make the aforementioned pale in comparison.

My heart is especially heavy after the Newtown shootings. My heart breaks every time I see pictures of those precious little ones that were senselessly gunned down by a madman. It just eats me up inside. As a parent, I see my own little girl since she is only a few years younger than some of the victims. Words can’t begin to describe how badly I feel for their parents. I think about how they have probably already bought all their Christmas presents and filled their stockings, awaiting that big day, only to have it turn into the biggest nightmare imaginable. All I can do is say a prayer for them. Nobody should have to go through what they are going through. I just hope they can get some peace.

I haven’t really given much thought of the murderous monster who committed this atrocious act since they have become a dime a dozen and he is not worthy of my time. I will try to keep it short. This may sound heartless to some of you but a mother who teaches her mentally disturbed child to use a gun is asking to be shot in the face. What the hell do you expect when you encourage your unbalanced child to handle a firearm? Sorry but my sympathy is limited to the father and the brother. This makes me very angry so I’ll move on.

Despite the current situations and my personal feelings, I am going to try to give my kids a nice Christmas this year. After all, it’s not their fault things turned out his way. I have had serious talks regarding the shooting with my son when he wants to play video games I don’t approve of. I could devote many blogs about that alone. Anyways, back to Christmas, or what’s left of it. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel guilty for celebrating while these parents are laying their children to rest. It will be a muted affair this year. A friend of mine is not even having a party this year because of he death of her friend’s son. Apparently there is enough misery to go around. This is going to be a Blue Christmas indeed.

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2 Responses to A Blue Christmas

  1. Cindy December 19, 2012 at 00:16 #

    I know a lot of angry racist rednecks who own guns and shouldn’t, can pass a mental exam but shouldn’t, and whose parents have taught them how to use them. In America, people think owning a gun and training their children how to use them is their God given right.

    • admin December 19, 2012 at 00:28 #

      Believe me, I know the type.

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