Juicier Post To Come

Being in a crunch today, this will not be the most exciting post so please don’t expect to much. Tonight when I have the peace and quite not given to me during the day, I can spring forth every crazed thing that comes to mind. I am well aware that it’s now October, which has always been such a rough month for me ever since I became an adult. I always end up short for some reason, time and money wise. I always know if I make it through October that everything will be okay, which it always is. With the approach of this month, I am also made aware that the holidays, are upon us and the end of the year which seem to fly by faster each year. Pretty soon I’m gonna be a withered old hag. October also means the beginning of winter, which is brutal here in Germany. Along with the long, cold, endless winter come deep depression. It’s okay for a little while but months on end really take their toll on my mental health, which is shaky under certain circumstance like when I am isolated from other people too long. I am a people person by the way. Exercise alleviates some of problems associated with the depression and weight gain the winter brings. After all, it is the holidays and that means eating and staying inside. Every year since I moved here I have been hoping global warming kicks in and the winters won’t be as harsh. I’m not sure if I would rather have that or the sweltering Louisiana heat. If we could just choose the weather according to our mood that would be great. Maybe I should put in a word with God and we can work on something together. Were is the suggestion box? On a much more serious note, this October is a little different because our fate as an Americans will be decided. Either we’re gonna go with the unknown potential of Romney or go on the already proven failure of Obama. I for one would go for the guy that loves America and might be able to revive the economy. Why would anyone go with a prove failure? It’s bittersweet to say that whatever president America gets, America deserves, because it  will affect the people that did not vote for him. It’s just the nature of the beast. I think that whatever is meant to happens is gonna happen and I live in the knowledge that a He is in charge. Luckily it’s not us mere mortals, though powerful we think we are, or we would be in a heap of trouble. Our efforts are futile against a higher power. What will be will be. Without wanting to sound like a bible beater, I will leave you with just one quote that comes to mind in these trying times: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)

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2 Responses to Juicier Post To Come

  1. Cindy October 3, 2012 at 21:43 #

    If you were rich and famous (must sell more paintings), you could have the best of both worlds: live here during the winter, and Germany the rest of the year. :)

    • admin October 3, 2012 at 22:30 #

      That would be ideal for sure and something to think about once both kids are out of school.

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