
I’m just sitting here passing the time waiting for the presidential debates. So much for that juicy post I had intended for tonight. With a massive headache all day, that doesn’t make for any material that will rival J.K. Rowling. I doubt the debates are gonna do much to ease the pain in my head or in my heart. As much as I support Romney over Obama, I’m afraid he just doesn’t have the coolness factor that people seem to respond to. That’s about all Obama has and he knows it. He is an expert orator and campaigner. Personally, I don’t care if Romney is a boring politician. In fact, that’s what I want – someone who is going to do their job. I hope Romney can pull through. I can’t stand the current president. I think he is a fraud, pure and simple. I feel like we have a fake president. What I can’t believe is that a lot of people are content with that. We should want the best for our country. Why are we letting some usurper who wasn’t even born here, come and ruin the greatest nation on earth? Why? It’s an honest question. I think people are too afraid of being called racist. The race card has been overplayed the past 4 years – Game Over. I will not be told I am racist because I don’t like Obama’s socialist ideas and total disregard for The Constitution. If the situation in the middle east is anything to go by, Obama doesn’t care about the U.S. Put plainly, Obama doesn’t care about anyone but Obama.  Does anyone remember his partying with Beyonce right after our Libyan ambassador was killed? How about his appearance on Letterman? Who could possibly forget he was on The View schmoozing with a bunch of trolls while he was suppose to be meeting world leaders? On what planet is this acceptable? Why do the American people not hold him accountable? There are way too many questions with no answer. I know in my heart that whatever happens will be for the best ultimately. I know me and Obama serve 2 different masters and we Christians will have to brave the coming storm if Obama gets re-elected. Peace :)

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