Stop the Madness

Keeping abreast of current events has always a big deal with me. It is the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do before I go to bed. As I thumb through the news online, well actually click through these days, I can’t help but see way too many articles on the Kardashians. Why does anyone care what these vacuous people do on a daily basis? What is the fascination? Can anyone tell me one legitimate talent that Kim Kardashian possesses? It just sad that girls aspire to be like her. It used to be Paris Hilton but it looks like her number is up. I thought that day would never come. Girls should look up to classy women who have done some things. Cate Blanchett comes to mind. She is the epitome of class. On the opposite end of the spectrum we have the K Klan who have managed to infiltrate every form of media. I think they must pay the Daily Mail because I am bombarded with minute-by-minute updates the moment I get to their homepage. They might as well change it to the Kardashian Kronicle. And there’s so many of them and they keep multiplying. Somebody please stop the madness. Bruce Jenner’s life seems to have taken a wrong turn when he met the mom. Besides making my skin crawl, she seems to have turned an Olympic hero into a lesbian. Let’s sum things up here. Kim K made a sex tape, which gave them a reality show and tons of money – a reward for bad behavior. This is a wonderful lesson for impressionable young girls. Use your body and you can get anything you want. On a side note: I do agree with Obama on one thing. Mark the time and the date. He said his daughters weren’t allowed to watch their show because it was trash. Anyways, these days she’s packin’ on the pounds. Hopefully this means she will fade into oblivion and we won’t have to hear about her anymore. Looks like Honey Boo Boo is set to knock them of their pedestal. All I can say is, it can’t come soon enough. Well, I’m tired of talking about these people. I’m headed to bed before the sun comes up. See ya at lunchtime :)

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