Forget the Day

As Neil Diamond once said, thank the Lord for the nighttime. I heartily second that emotion since I’m such a nocturnal person and feel so much more comfortable and relaxed after nightfall. I think nothing of running around in the darkness in carefree, reckless abandon, that if I lived in Victorian times, I probably would have been the 1st one slaughtered by Jack the Ripper. I might even be one of the creepy people you’re afraid of running into at night, me and the Elephant Man. One never know, does one?

Since I tend to have disdain daytime activities, I sometimes wonder why God even bothered making the daytime but I’m sure He had his reasons. I have downright contempt for mornings but I won’t even go there today. The daytime is filled with insecurities for me. I feel edgy and uncomfortable from early morning until about 3pm. I’m not sure why. All I know is that my mind is clearer the closer it gets to darkness and it feels like a weight has been lifted. Also, all the really good ideas enter my mind in the deep of night. The difference in my creativity is, as they say, like night and day. It’s like my steel trap of a mind is unlocked and all it’s secrets are revealed. The same can’t be said for broad daylight.

This afternoon I sat down and tried to be creative but somehow it just wasn’t working. Maybe there was too much hubbub around me to focus. A toddler trying to climb up my lap didn’t help. As a mom, I often have to choose between my kids and my chosen profession but I digress. The commotion was a factor in my inability to create but I think it has a lot to do with the time of day. The artwork never comes along like it should when the sun is shining. So, to be more productive, I usually reserve the daylight hours to get the necessary things done like chores, child rearing, and prepping for future pieces, something no artist likes to do but has to be done anyways. You just do what you have to.

I also tend to get a power surge late at night, no matter how tired I was before. My eccentricity kicks in and I get the urge to paint the walls all sorts of colors or redecorate the house. One day my family will wake up to either the inside of a Genie Bottle, Barbie’s Dreamhouse or the inside of a Pirate Ship. It’s a wildcard. I believe in making life fun and interesting. I have a fun, spontaneous streak that is often overshadowed by severe depression and anxiety, but once the it has subsided there is no stopping me. You only live once, or so they say. I guess the Good Lord knew what he was doing when he created me and the nighttime. All I can do is echo Mr. Diamond’s sentiments. Thank you Lord for the night time, forget the day.


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