Forever Thankful

Realizing for almost 3 days I have not written a single blog, I hang my head in shame. I usually do it religiously. Unfortunately, I have been soooo lax with blog-writing the past few days because of the hectic pace of Christmas so I do think my excuse is valid. I just hope I haven’t left anyone in the lurch without all my worldly wisdom and words of encouragement *note sarcasm* Just like when Arnie said he’ll be back, here I am. I’m back, so everything will be ok. I’m never too far off with daily doses of life lessons. So here goes.

Why is it that I can never get a jump on things? It never fails, never ever, that I have to do some last minute running around on Christmas Eve before the stores close. They close in Germany at 2 in the afternoon and don’t open until the 27th, which really sucks if you need something. You’re SOL. On the bright side, those few days give everyone a chance to rest, except for the mom. Mom’s never get to rest. Not until every gift is bought, wrapped, and devoured, not until everybody is stuffed to the gills, not until everything is cleaned up. There is always a wealth of wrapping paper and foil from chocolate laying around. The day is anything but relaxing. Regardless, I just enjoy it, thankful for what I have and I am very much so. Having content children means the world to me. Okay, on with the food.

I decided, instead of roasting a 4hour turkey, I would make a chicken, which I have never done. I’m almost 40 and never roasted either. Again, I feel shame. Thank God for Youtube and Laura Vitale with her wonderful instruction. My chicken came out purrrrfect, nice and succulent. Nigella’s gotten me through some tough times as well. I made her Bread Sauce out of her Christmas book, which is very British but still, surprisingly, good. All in all, we had a very English feast – roast chicken, potatoes, bread sauce and a side of basmati rice, adding an Indian flair. Normally I would serve bread but decided against it with the already present starches, rice and bread sauce. To top it all off we had cheesecake and cupcakes for desert, not that I can ever eat dessert right away. I usually wait a few hours.

About the gifts….. I spent way too much. I maxed out my cards. Hey, I thought the end was coming. Being American, we do it big. My other half doesn’t understand it The Germans may get a few gifts and that’s it. For us commercialized Americans its a present blowout, a big extravaganza. Underneath the tree on Christmas morning are bright, shining packages, some wrapped, some not, depending on if they are from Santa or not. My partner never understood it. Come to think of it, they’re probably right. We do focus on the wrong thing during Christ’s celebration. I almost forgot him while writing this. Now, in all seriousness, I really do feel shame. He has given me so much to be thankful for.

Though I love this time of year, I am happy it’s all over. I am ready to wrap up Christmas 2012 along with the rest of the year. It has been a turning point. I realized I am a miracle worker. I pulled it all together. My son was happy and grateful with his gifts. Whether he deserved them or not is another story. My little girl was happy, of course. It’s not too hard to make a 2 year old happy. That’s all I could ask for. God Bless <3

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7 Responses to Forever Thankful

  1. Cindy December 26, 2012 at 01:54 #

    It sounds like you had good day. :) Your meal sounded delish! Btw, I’ve never roasted a bird either. And I guess that now I have your book, “8,789 Words of Wisdom”, I can make do if you decide to take a vacation from writing your blogs every once in awhile. Just don’t make it a habit! ;)

    • admin December 26, 2012 at 02:02 #

      Yes, it was nice. Next time I am in town we can roast something. Actually, I was thinking about you filling in every so often :)

  2. Cindy December 26, 2012 at 02:11 #

    Me? Write a blog? Hahahaha!

    • admin December 26, 2012 at 02:24 #


  3. Cindy December 26, 2012 at 02:35 #

    With bated breath you’ll wait…;)

    • admin December 26, 2012 at 02:36 #


  4. Cindy December 26, 2012 at 02:41 #


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