Unbumpy Ride

Let’s talk about S-E-X. Just kidding. Sorta. I feel compelled to write something juicy today since I have a feeling my latest posts have been a little lackluster, okay very lackluster. I chalk it up to having very little time, especially with the days leading up to Christmas. Luckily that’s all over now and I can devote more time to quality posts with a little bit of spice. It has come to my attention that nobody is reading my blog or at least very few people, who I am very grateful for. I know everyone and their mother is writing a blog these days and it is very hard to stand out. I could always write sex change blog. That would probably lure someone in. Maybe not my target audience bit someone. One thing I do like is the knowledge that I entertained or enlightened at least one person in the course of a day. Today I probably won’t be too enlightening, though. I am still recuperating from the holidays, mind you.

I have an old friend, and I do mean old, I chat with often on Facebook chat. I have no idea what took him so long to get an account but that’s off the subject. There’s nothing like Facebook to bring two dirty-minded idiots together. Well, I’m not usually dirty-minded, haven’t been in years, just where he is concerned. We all have that friend, don’t we? He often asks me questions about whether I service my partner regularly. Hell no, I told him. Aint nobody servicing nobody around here. Sadly, it’s true. Gosh, me and my partner might as well be brother and sister. It’s gotten to where I think of him as more of a friend rather than I do anything romantic. That may sound strange but I think it happens more often than people want to admit. I know because I have a few friends in the same boat. I’m just tring to bring it out into the open here. There’s no shame in my game. Okay, maybe some and I obviously ran out of game.

What a difference it makes between being in a new relationship where you’re both on fire, want to rip each other’s clothes off and can’t get enough of the other to what we have now. And what we have now is Dullsville. Is that the fate of every relationship? I think to some degree it is. Maybe not to the degree me and my partner have sunk but to some degree. Sometimes that’s a good thing. I shudder to imagine my parents all over each other. That would put me off for life. Let’s move on please.

That there’s where it is or where it’s not, to be honest. I’m not sure where all the attraction goes, it just goes. I asked my other half and he didn’t know where it went either. Our relationship was steamy in the beginning but it has long fizzled out. Despite our lack of passion for each other my other half has shown a desire for us to stay together even when I have questioned whether we belonged together or not. We are night & day. They say opposites attract but sometimes I wonder if we are too opposite.

I’m not usually one to air my dirty laundry but I find it very cathartic. If you want to know anything about me, it all here in my blogposts. I still have have my secrets but it feels good to share things that others might not. Knowing someone may benefit from my experience makes it all worth it. Afterall, I live to serve, really I do, so feel free to drop me a line. In the meantime, buckle up, it’s going to be an umbumpy ride ;)


8 Responses to Unbumpy Ride

  1. Cindy December 28, 2012 at 00:59 #

    Maybe you and your partner (that sounds so gay, Shea) should see a sex therapist to help y’all get your mojo back. If nothing else, it would make for some very interesting blogs.

    • admin December 28, 2012 at 06:13 #

      I’ll pass on that one Cindy.I think we’re past that.

  2. Cindy December 28, 2012 at 07:03 #

    As long as you two are still together, it’s not to late for anything.

    • admin December 28, 2012 at 07:35 #

      You get to the point to where you just aren’t interested anymore and yes I did tell him that.

  3. Cindy December 28, 2012 at 07:45 #

    So are you guys just going to stay together unhappily ever after?

    • admin December 28, 2012 at 08:08 #


  4. Cindy December 28, 2012 at 08:24 #

    Well that’s just sad. You deserve to be happy. You both do.

    • admin December 28, 2012 at 08:38 #

      It is what it is.

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