Cold November Rain

I’ve done my  patriotic duty, turned in my election ballot and washed my hands of the all political bullsh*t or at least that’s what I thought. If it wouldn’t have been for Hurricane Sandy, I would just be riding out the storm so to speak. As I look at photos taken during and after, the devastation left in her wake is astonishing. It looks like another Katrina and we know all know how that ended.

I lived in Louisiana during all of it so I know the devastation a hurricane can leave behind. My son wanted me to take him down to look at “smooshed” houses. I had some free time on my hands, so me and a friend took him down there since it’s only a few hours drive from my hometown of Shreveport to the French Quarter and indeed there were smooshed houses. Luckily things had been cleaned up prior to our visit and life had resumed as normally as could be expected. We went months afterwards. We didn’t fly in on the heels of the hurricane so I didn’t see any dead bodies. I can’t even imagine wading through corpses and alligators, which is what people had been doing. My sympathy lessened when I found out from a relative who worked for the Red Cross that SUBWAY® was handing out food to victims and it was literally thrown back in their faces. They expected a hot meal. What a bunch of entitled trash. I don’t care who you are or what you are, never bite the hand that feeds you. They were also known to call up Comcast, who I worked for, complaining that their cable was out while sitting in a flooded house with no roof. Their phone seemed to be working perfectly though. Looking back, I don’t think they really expected us to fix it,  they just wanted someone to complain to.

As I look at pics of what Sandy has done to the east coast, there are echos of Katrina. Okay, maybe a symphony. The whole thing is heartbreaking. I’m especially moved about the photos that show the before and after of a bright, cheerful amusement park reduced to a dull pile of wood. Whole houses were reduced to rubble and totally swept away in her fury. Even NYC, the most cutting edge city in the world, is no match for Mother Nature. Most of the city is still without electricity. The coming cold snap will be brutal for those without heat and my prayers are with them. People are apparently without food too as evidenced by the photos of people dumpster diving in a desperate effort to scrounge up some. If I had kids to feed I would be digging deep and fighting the rats or even eating the rats just to survive. When did America turn into a 3rd World country where people have to fight over scraps left in the a dumpster?

Obama says he doesn’t leave anyone behind, then what does he do? He flies in, uses the opportunity for a photo op then flies to Las Vegas for a fundraiser while these people are face down dead in a ditch. Am I the only one to see anything wrong with this? When are people going to wake up? At least Mitt was out distributing supplies. This is coming from a lifelong Democrat so you can’t say I’m a right wing tea bagger. Nothing could be further from the truth. I just call em as I see em. At least common sense prevailed and the NYC marathon was cancelled. I can’t believe the decision wasn’t obvious to begin with.

I have one last question. How many of the countries that America throws money at is holding a fundraiser for us? Truthfully, I don’t expect any of them to. I will, however support my own country by donating. I think Americans should band together and set aside ll differences. If I live any where near the east cost I would voluntee but I hear they run you off if you are not in a union. Now that’s a sad state of affairs. Those affected will be in my prayers tonight. I can’t bear the thought of a child being could and hungry. Thoughts like this keep me up at night. I could go on and on with this blog but I will mercifully end it here. Just like Arnie, Ill be back :)

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