Can You Feel It?

Most of my posts may be a bit on the obnoxious side for the reader but hey, that’s probably why you come here in the first place right? Okay in this blog post I will dig a little deeper, go under the surface. Laughter often hides the pain in life and I choose to laugh than to cry. Afterall, it really is the best medicine. It heals the soul somehow. I believe God has a very good sense of humor. He absolutely must! I have experienced it my whole life and it is one of the gifts He bestowed upon me that I am forever grateful for. I wonder if I picked it out before I was born or he just made me comedic. I wonder if we get to pick our gifts. It’s just a thought. Here’s another thought. Do we each have what is called a twin flame? By twin flame, I mean someone that is the other half of your soul. They are also called twin rays, twin souls, and twin vibrations. According to my research, at creation we were one with our twin but were split apart before our time on earth. From that moment on we searched for this other half through many lifetimes and we look for love and romance in order to fill that void. I’m not sure about the lifetimes part but there must be something to it. I would not even know something like this existed unless the most mind boggling thing had not happened. It was just like any other day and when I woke up that morning, I had no idea anything interesting would happen at all. Nothing can really prepare you for anything like this. Normally I don’t like to talk about such things but I like to get it all out there every now and then since it’s very cathartic. Okay, I’m going about my dull existence, and all of a sudden there he was, just through a meeting of chance. I was initially startled at his presence at first but I didn’t know why. I could not put my finger on it but I could have sworn I knew them before but had no idea where. I immediately felt like something was happening that I couldn’t see. There was a magnetic pull and I felt our spirits were intertwined and everything else just fell away. I felt like I was speaking to him telepathically. I know that sounds stalker crazy but that is the way it happened. Though he was talking to someone else I felt some sort of communication going on. He’s not someone I would have noticed in a crowd or anything, or maybe I would have. I don’t know. I left this encounter flabbergasted. I could not believe what had happened. Was it all in my head? I thought it might be a fluke so I put it out of my mind but then I saw them again.  It got to be when I encountered this person it was uncomfortable for me because they touched me in a way that I did not want to be touched and my soul was laid bare. I remember one instance where I was walking towards him and I felt this electricity or a vibration radiating from him. I was so in awe of everything that had transpired that I immediately did some research and found out that such a thing does happen but it’s very rare indeed. That is something I have never experienced in my life in my 39 years on this earth and something tells me it won’t happen again.

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2 Responses to Can You Feel It?

  1. Cindinka October 14, 2012 at 10:04 #

    Yes, I know the feeling. So, whatever happened with this potential soulmate of yours? Did you ever see him again? Hook up with him??? Don’t hold back, Shea! Now you got me reminisin’ n’ missin’ that feelin’ again…Thanks Shea! ;/

    • admin October 14, 2012 at 11:44 #

      I wouldn’t say it was my soul mate but it was something. Something hard to deny. It’s like meeting someone for the first time and they know you more than anyone else. It’s very odd coming from someone you’ve never met.

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