The Forgotten People

Okay, I’m a little ticked. The juicy post I had written accidentally got deleted with one keystroke so I will save it for tonight when I am not so pressed for time. I’m walking on a fine line these days. It seems like something new always comes about, mostly involving my teenager, to piss me off. Where have I gone wrong here? I never knew having kids would involve so much pain and anguish. I feel like my heart is broken these days. I have been thinking of my son from the moment I found out I was pregnant to this very day. I have lived for this child and I feel like I’ve gotten a slap in the face in return. He is so disrespectful after I’ve struggled to provide for him all these years, putting him ahead of myself. I even brought him to live in a different country where he would have a better quality of life and top-notch education with a wonderful man as a father instead of living in a Louisiana trailer with no hope of any kind. I really am at my wit’s end. He seems to be angry with my and my partner for reasons unknown. He has things most people can only dream of, gaming consoles of every kind, nice clothes, vacations to anywhere, and endless supply of food and he doesn’t appreciate it. I wish he would level some of that anger towards that worthless father of his that hasn’t given a crap about him instead of the parents that have nurtured him his whole life. Maybe that’s part of the problem here and I don’t even know it.  I would like to vent my rage at that piece of sh*t living in St. Cloud, Minnesota. How can you possibly father a child and act like they never existed? I remember talking on the phone with this “person” and I use the term loosely. Anytime I brought up our son he would act like I never said it. I know he comes from a rather twisted, backwoods family and that’s exactly what I saved my child from all these years. I know my family is not the most prim and proper family there is but at least we aren’t something out of Deliverance. That is the only way to describe these people. His mom sent my son a $5 WalMart gift card one year for my son’s birthday that I used to buy part of a t-shirt with. I would write a whole other blog on these people. They’re probably more akin to The Gogans on Pete’s Dragon. I kid you not. Honey Boo Boo and Co. are class acts in comparison. I think I will devote some blogs to these people in the near future. With that I will leave you here. I’m rubbing my hands with delight as we speak. See Ya Later ;)



10 Responses to The Forgotten People

  1. Michelle October 13, 2012 at 15:11 #

    Stay strong, having lived thru my first teenager and almost making it thru my second. I can say that part of the “parents are stupid” is just a teenage thing. Add in the fact that they have somewhere back in their mind that there is the possibility of another parent ( and I use that word only to mean they share DNA ) out there whom they can think about and make whatever they want in their dreams. Teen years are extremely difficult. I know the hurt, pain, disappointment and frustrations of parenting alone. Teens do not appreciate all they are given and have been blessed with. Unfortunately they may realize it when they are grown and on their own but that will be many years later. My oldest (19) still struggles with appreciating me or all I have provided. I wish I could tell you it gets better sooner but later is more likely. I believe that I am partly to blame by giving them everything so they do not truly know what living without is. Even when we were at our poorest, I found ways to get them their hearts desires. Needless to say, I understand where you are and how you feel. Stay strong, you are a good mom and the love for your kids radiates thru you. Sorry for rambling. And to think I still have 3 more teens to make it thru. ;) . Loves and prayers for you and the family. :) <3

    • admin October 13, 2012 at 15:24 #

      Thank You Michelle. This one is giving me problems. He’s been suspended twice and is about to be thrown out of school like he was the last one. I didn’t tell my mom any of this since it will break her heart and she will blame me like she always does regarding Drake. At least yours seem respectful and don’t get in trouble. Mine is very difficult. Thanks for the words of encouragement <3

  2. Michelle October 13, 2012 at 16:53 #

    Don’t worry I won’t tell mom. As for respectful, my oldest was good at school but sneaked around to see a boy who I didn’t like because he was too controlling ( reminded me of her birth father) and then he became a stalker. She was so frightened she slept on coach outside my door until we got a security system put on the house. And although I do not want to air all the dirty laundry on here. Trust me when I say I have had many struggles with my son and his temper ( also like his birth father) including holes punched in walls. We can not be blamed for everything our kids do. Nor can we feel like we are bad parents because they act out. We all make mistakes and teen years are hard for everyone especially for kids of divorce. I know I was one too. Keep strong and give it all to God. It isn’t easy. Know I am here if you ever need to vent. And I will add you and the teen to my prayers. Much love and support.

    • admin October 13, 2012 at 19:17 #

      Please add me to your prayers. TY Michelle :)

      • Michelle October 13, 2012 at 22:43 #

        You have never left them :)

        • admin October 13, 2012 at 22:56 #


  3. amy October 13, 2012 at 18:40 #

    We can all see everything you’ve been through, done, and continue to do for him. Hopefully one day he will realize how much he appreciates it too… Hang in there, Shea.

    • admin October 13, 2012 at 19:18 #

      Thanks Amo. So glad you’ve been there :)

  4. our math teacher knew my mom October 14, 2012 at 05:04 #

    Had similar issues with my step son. The problem is his dad is still in the picture, and screwing things up as often as he can. We found a good influence for him was getting him involved with the youth group at church.

    While it has nastier cliques than the junior high, there are plenty of honest, genuine kids in the group that he is doing well. It’s also difficult that he is of mixed race, and the area we live in in about as diverse as a McDonald’s happy meal.

    One of our moat successful experiments is that we limit video games to an hour, and usually in the morning before everyone else gets up. It motivates him to get out of bed, and he’s always wide awake for school.

    It sounds like your hands are full, but it also sounds like standard teenage angst. It’s best to address him directly but openly, most of the time the rage is simple boredom mixed with world confusion. Keep your head up, keep loving him more and more. He will pay it back.

    • admin October 14, 2012 at 11:37 #

      Thanks for such insight Lance. I can’t get him to do anything. All he cares about is video games and it makes me so mad. One thing is is that he’s always bored. He thinks without internet he will die. We took both away due to his problems at school. I feel like giving up and running away sometimes but then again so I’m sure every parent feels that way once in a while. I think it’s great that you care about your stepson so much. I takes a good man to raise someone else’s child. Thank again for the words of encouragement :)

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