Body & Soul

Today, in my quest to glean some obscure knowledge thrown down by a celebrity from their ivory tower, I ran across a Daily Mail article about Joanna Lumley, better know as Patsy, Patsy Stone from Absolutely Fabulous. Here’s the article. She was rather blunt about why people where so fat – they’re greedy and eat too much. While that can’t be disputed, I can’t find her advice of eating lettuce, lettuce and more lettuce sage advice. I found her remarks about ‘ditching the cake’ offensive. This comes from someone who could live on cake. NEVER insult the cake.

Ms. Lumley can’t lead a very pleasant life eating only lettuce and shunning exercise. While I don’t have anything against her personally, living on plant food and denying yourself some of life’s little pleasures can’t be good for your body or soul. I guess she is more like Patsy in real life than I thought with her ‘liquid lunch’ except her alter ego seemed much more endearing. Gosh I loved that show back in the mid-90′s. I’m more like Edina. She always reminded me of myself with her never ending quest to be thin and in many other ways as well. I’ve even got the older son and younger daughter just like her. Somehow I always knew it would end up this way.

I find that I can eat what I want in moderation, not that I’ve ever been one for it, and get my workout in and still lose the weight, not that I’m thin or anything but it does work when I put it into practice. I have an insatiable sweet tooth and that often derails my efforts but if I have it in moderation, it’s okay, which I often don’t. The exercise is what keeps me from looking like Honey Boo Boo’s mom so I support it wholeheartedly. It also keeps people from knowing I am almost 40.

If you deny yourself every bit of pleasure life has to offer, then it shows. Take the British cook Nigella Lawson for instance. She is in her 50′s and she looks great. She really enjoys her food and I have often wondered why she doesn’t weigh a ton. She has a nice, womanly figure. I have such a girl crush. My guess is that, like the French, she knows what and when to eat something. The French pick and choose their moments. As an American, I was never taught this. I was taught dieting deprivation.

It wasn’t until I was in my mid-30s and moved that Europe that I realized that the French don’t deprive themselves of anything and they are some of the slimmest, healthiest people in the world. So, I observe when I am in France to figure out their secret. They eat the best food the world has to offer but in small doses. Some people are also best in small doses as well but I digress. On that note, I better wrap this up before it turns ugly :)


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