What a Lovely Way to Burn

Okay, I’m gonna go overboard here and write 3 posts today as a form of self flagellation for not writing my customary 2 yesterday. Well, not really. I enjoy writing them and I hope you enjoy reading them. That being out of the way, let’s talk about chemistry for a little bit. I’m not talking about the chemistry that’s so boring in high school but the kind you find between two people, which definitely is anything but boring. I think this is very hard to come by, well, at least for me. Some people might have a nightly blitzkriegs but for most people it’s rare to find the exact match that sets off fireworks. It’s been my experience that you could meet tons of attractive people but not have any real sparks, then you meet someone who is attractive  to nobody and BINGO! They seem to flip every switch, press every button that turns you on. Again, I hope my mom is not reading this. What makes two people want to rip each other’s clothes off in a frenzy of lust? Since I’m not Ruth Westheimer I don’t have all the answers but I do know the feeling. Honestly, I don’t want to know how Ruth got the answers. That puts a bad image in my head to carry with me always. Anyways, I’ve dipped my toe in that lake once or twice. I don’t like to name names or anything so don’t worry if you’re the target of my uncontrollable passion. Meeting that person that you just immediately want to grab hold of is not something you can possible be ready for. It just catches you off guard and you just know it when it happens, so if you have to ask it hasn’t. How do I explain the extreme intoxication and overwhelming passion that can exist between 2 warm bodies? I can’t but I still like thinking about. It just is and there is nothing you can do about it and fortunately nobody wants to anyways. “No thanks, I already have to much passion in my life”, said no one ever. One thing is for sure. You can’t create it no matter what Cosmo tells you. It’s either there or it’s not. I’m not sure if it fades over time because I’ve never actually stuck around long enough to find out. Okay, I sound like a man when I say that but there have been times in the past where I wasn’t always the standup person I am today. A little sarcasm mixed with honesty goes a long way. I guess it’s just as well that some things can’t be explained. Some things are best left a mystery. But if it happens to you just enjoy it :)


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6 Responses to What a Lovely Way to Burn

  1. Cindy October 10, 2012 at 11:08 #

    Chemistry can be purely physical, or as for me, it can be a common feeling and connection between two people that starts off as friendship and then works its way into something much more. One day someone comes along, awakens and stirs your soul, and WHAM!, the next thing you know, you are thinking about them all the time, longing to see and talk to them…then touch them…even dreaming about them. :) Sometimes, like you say, you are not even attracted to them at first, then as you get to know them, you can’t help but to start falling in love (or lust). It just happens…nobody is to blame. It is not always meant to be, or can be, nor should be. Yet, the Heart wants what the Heart wants!!! My heart has gotten me into plenty of trouble in the past and caused me quite a bit of pain. I have learned the hard way that you can not control your feelings, but you can control your actions. You are better off in your nice, stable relationship with somebody who cares about you and your children, without all the heartache and agony of ‘passion’. Then again, sometimes all the pieces of the puzzle fit: you share a mutual weirdness; connect on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level; and God ordains and wills it to be…this is what I long for. Nite Shea.

    • admin October 10, 2012 at 12:34 #

      I agree and it can be quite explosive.

  2. Cindy October 10, 2012 at 23:54 #

    Yep, it’s all good till it BLOWS up in your face! ;)

    • admin October 11, 2012 at 00:04 #

      I could comment more on this but I would have to send you a message ;)

      • Cindy October 11, 2012 at 00:19 #

        Please do! But I won’t be back for a few hours-9:00pm, my time.

        • admin October 11, 2012 at 00:25 #

          I’ll try to catch you later then.

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