Tuesday November 6th, 2012

I can’t wait for this day. I am so tired of this election and I have been tired of it since summer. I have been bombarded day and night with all sorts of news from the internet and TV for months on end. I have made up mind. I made it up a long time ago ago, as I suspect most people have as well and there is little chance changing their minds. This day can not come soon enough. As someone close to 40, this election has divided people more than any other election I can recall. I have been deleted by Facebook friends just by stating my preference for what I consider the lesser of the evils. This post is not to state my preference, just to rant how sick I am of these 2 candidates. Are these 2 the best that both parties have to offer? It’s just like the Miss America Pageant. The candidates are chosen but you know damn well that there are much prettier ones out there that just aren’t interested in running the race. I, myself, am worn out and I am not running for anything, certainly not a beauty pageant – just tired of arguing my case day in and day out, especially to friends. I don’t mind having friends with different opinions. If I like you, I like you, even If I totally disagree with you. That’s what I expect in return from a true friend, not a block and delete on Facebook because I don’t agree with you. I respect other’s opinions and their right to it. That being said, no matter who we chose, the inevitable New World Order is going to come about, though we may be able to delay it a bit longer. I will save that topic for a future post since that is a very heavy one and it will be long and drawn out. At times I just wish they would flip a coin or have an early election, just quit talking about it and making me talk about it. When you talk about it, I just have to talk about it, and right now, I’m just too damn tired to talk about it. That is all :)

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