The Weary Traveler

What is it about traveling that makes you so tired? Just traveling in a car for a few hours and checking into a hotel can be tiring. Especially packing and unpacking repeatedly. Not to sound ungrateful for being fortunate enough to travel, but I HATE HATE HATE doing either/or. I would just be content to throw a bunch of socks, underwear, and a bunch of black clothing in a bag and be done with it, but my significant other has been a good influence on me in the organizational department. He just simply says “I don’t think so”.  We artists are rarely organized but I try. Nowadays I have 2 kids to pack. Medicine, thermometer, bandaids, toys, books, etc…. Btw how and when did I turn into my mother? When did I become the tylenol and crayon carrying mother? It just happens gradually I guess until one day it just dons on you. Anyways, I have 2 kids, a 2 year old and a 13 year old. The age difference is pretty big so I never expected to have to break up any fights between them. Hindsight is 20/20, as it is so often in life. They constantly bicker in the back seat and today I was woken up out of a much needed nap by them fighting over some Swiss chocolate. Needless to say this contributes to the weariness that I feel. Maybe it’s not traveling or the fact that I’m almost 40. Maybe these young people have sucked out all my energy like little vampires. No, I am not getting old, they are bleeding me dry. Yes, that must be it ;)

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