This House Has Many Haunts

I have a friend who has always had her own Tangina Barrons impression, you know, the magical munchkin from Poltergeist. My friend has been doing it since I met her in the early 80′s. Maybe she should think about doing it professionally now or even fill the void left now that Tangina had finally gone into the light. Okay, now that I’ve sufficiently made my friend feel like trash so early in the morning, let’s take about creepy and peculiar things. Any talk about Tangina naturally brings up that kind of subject, especially when you think about her voice. Speaking of peculiar, I think I’m haunted. Strange things always happen to me, and are attracted to me, such as spirits and strange people. I am also a magnet for people that are walking freakshows that are on the fringes of society and I take to them as well. Maybe I’m a walking freakshow too and didn’t know it. Oh, well, too late to do anything about it now. That’s a whole other topic but one worth delving into in or blog or with a psychiatrist, maybe both. I want to start out by saying that every minute of the day has been spoken for lately and I am totally stressed out right now. When I finish this blog, I have to help my uncooperative son with his homework since he’s on his 4th suspension. I may not have any hair left soon. The point is, is that I’m stressed out and that may be a factor in this occurrence. Since my last blog I have been working steadily on linguistics work. So, besides the blog I posted, I have been working steadily since 3am. When I got up to watch the debates, I decided to hit 2 birds with one stone. I got my son up early to do his massive amount of homework that he refused to do at school. Not at 3 but he would have deseved it.If you get sent home from school, you don’t get no frills, not on my watch. Well, I left him to his own devices, never a good idea. I told him I was gonna nap for an hour before I picked up the baby, a nap which I desperately needed to get me through the day. About 20 minutes into the nap and the damn phone rings. It was an automated message. I got woken up by a damn automated message. I finally got back to sleep. All of a sudden I heard someone creeping up the stair and I recognized the as my son’s footsteps. We all have our own and I knew it was him. I heard him talking to someone and they seemed to be having a conversation but I couldn’t understand what was being said and then they went into his room and closed the door. I am used to this since his friend comes over often I can hear them talking in his room. I thought it was his friend that lives next door and in my stupor, I thought “Daniel’s here. School must be out early.” Then I heard what sounded like a deep, masculine, demonic voice followed by an evil laugh. Then I realized I couldn’t move and I was half awake. After struggling, I finally opened my eyes and called out to my son. He was downstairs watching TV where I had left him. He could sit there his whole life if I didn’t forced him to do something else. I’m guessing it was just a night terror but the strange thing about it was that I wasn’t home alone when it happened like I always am and it included what I percieved to be the devil. That is the eeriest thing that has happened to me in a while. It could be stress induced or something more sinister. All I know is that I love my son and will protect him from anything seen or unseen that stands in the way his having a good life. Please remember us in your prayers. Thank You :)


4 Responses to This House Has Many Haunts

  1. our math teacher knew my mom October 17, 2012 at 17:01 #

    Check the series called Supernatural.

    • admin October 17, 2012 at 17:19 #

      Thanks. I will :)

  2. amy October 18, 2012 at 18:36 #

    All you have to do is call me and I’ll do my impression for you.. All kidding aside, sending good thoughts and prayers to you as well..

    • admin October 18, 2012 at 20:18 #

      Okay you outted yourself. I was trying to keep you anonymous. Thanks Amy. I will try Friday night :)

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