Little Lolitas

This month is sucking my will to live. Luckily it’s almost over. It’s been a very long, long day, so please don’t expect too much from my little old blog. As long as you don’t expect anything, let’s proceed. Please bear with me. I’m in a bitchy mood today and this might be a hateful post. As usual, I was thumbing through the news a few days ago, like I do first thing in the morning and right before I go to bed and what I found out was shocking. Honey Boo Boo has a bodyguard. Really? Is that necessary? They sure don’t need one on account of me. They don’t have to worry about me invading their space. I certainly don’t plan on rubbing up on any of those simple folk anytime soon. Well, them before the greasy Jersey Shore people – orange, oddly shaped and stupid.  Anyways, when I voiced my surprise to someone I was told they had gotten a kidnapping threat. Why on earth would anyone want that obnoxious little roley poley on their hands? If she was my kid, I’d be trying to dump her off somewhere. No, not really, but I would slap her face off if I were her mother. The again, the mother encourages it and lives vicariously through her daughter. I notice that in the world of child pageants, the mothers are usually pushy, obese women with no chance of every being a beauty queen themselves and the child fills a void. As a teen, my mother tried to encourage me to join the beauty pageant circuit and modeling but I declined because I had no interest whatsoever. Just like cheer-leading, I thought these were vacuous pastimes and I still do, very superficial. I was totally different than other girls because I never wanted to be a model – ever. I had my own style, which she could not understand, and my heart set on more creative endeavors. I would have been better as a designer. In time, my mother got over it. It wasn’t easy but she did. If my little girl wants to do it when she gets to be a teenager, FINE. I will support her but I certainly won’t push her into it and I would steer clear of child pageants. The whole JonBenet Ramsey thing put a bad taste in my mouth. No matter how much the creepy mom, Patsy Ramsey tried to defend it, it’s wrong to pad your daughter’s bust at age 6 and dress her up as a little lolita.  Poor little thing, had her life ahead of her only to have it snuffed out at the tender age of 6. Personally, I think the mom did it but she has since passed on and met her maker and He is a the one to judge her, not me. I never tire of this story for some reason. It’s fascinating but that’s a whole other issue. I will try to get into this in the next post. Sufficeth to say, I do not agree with parading a little girl around in skimpy clothing. That sends a wrong message to little girls and the pedophiles that are drawn to these shows. That is my opinion and I am entitled to it. I hope this post even makes sense. At least it does in my hazy mind. I said I am exhausted an I am going to hit the hay. See ya tomorrow :)

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