Sweet Potato Pie and I Shut My Mouth

Often when you come from the South people just assume you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Well, I’ll be durned, our Southern drawl has gotten a bad rap and people tend to associate it with being stupid. I’m not gonna lie, there are some really stupid people down South but I think that’s true no matter where you go. Growing up there, we were raised to be polite, and to have manners and treat others how we want to be treated. If you happen to be a visitor, we will do our best to make you feel at home and no matter where you go, you will not find nicer people. Though we are all depicted as redneck Bubbas on TV, it is not entirely true. Just come down for a spell and see for yourself. I’d like to think I’m more along the lines of Suzanne Sugarbaker. A true southern belle on the outside but bubbling with mischief underneath. Of course, we are not all Sugarbakers as evidenced by our latest peach Honey Boo Boo Child. Anyone wanna go bellyfloppin’ in the mud?  Though they do all look like bumps on a log, their family actually seems sweet and I would rather hang out with this family anyday over self important trash like the Kardashians. Though Boo Boo Mama looks like a human thumb, she has more personality and class in her little finger than Ma Kardashian has in her who body – ok, moving on. Now that my son is fully integrated into German society, he often asks me why I use the terms like “big ole mess” and I try to explain that that’s just how I talk because I’m southern. It’s funny that he can’t remember what a hillbilly drawl he had early on. I am glad it smoothed out and he won’t sound like a country bumpkin. But he shouldn’t put on airs and go back on his raisin. Well, I best get goin’. I gotta mess of stuff to do and can’t let no grass grow under my feet. I’ll get me another blog posted later. Tata for now.



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