Pre-Blog Blog

This is just a short blogpost, a pre-blog blog in addition to another blog I will post on a more pleasant topic. Gosh that sounded bloggy. I’m going to ask an honest question here. Why do people pay attention to Anne Coulter? She’s just a troll whose main goal in life is to get people riled up. Oh, yeah, and to make money. I’m sure some people like her but really I have no idea why. The things she says just don’t sound right and we know everytime she opens her mouth something totally crazy will come out. I think if we just ignore her and do not give her the attention she needs, then maybe she’ll crawl back under her rock. I am not saying this in support of any political affiliation, I’m saying it as an everyman. I may be called offensive more than I care to be, and I have, but I don’t care either since I speak from the heart. I mean what I say and say what I mean. If that offends people, so be it. Though I do hold my tongue often just to spare an argument. The difference between me and Anne seems to be that she does it on purpose and I do not. Her latest offense seems to be calling Obama a “retard”. I am no fan of his but that is totally uncalled for. I am not a politically correct person, so I won’t even go there. It just seems a childish thing to say. She is past 50. You would think she could make her point in a more articulate way. Okay, enough about that. I wouldn’t have bothered myself with her but it was a burning question I had to ask. Maybe someone can enlighten me :)

4 Responses to Pre-Blog Blog

  1. Cindy October 25, 2012 at 21:17 #

    I’m not sure why people pay Anne Coulter any attention. Maybe it is because people like to watch all the dramarama and listen to mouthy people like her (hence the success of all those reality TV shows) as long as it’s not aimed at them. But you inadvertently answered my question: can I make a living at pissing people off? I seem to unintentually do that a lot here lately and for the very same reason you named: I mean what I say and say what I mean. I am not a heartless person by any means but I am very straight-up. Shit, even my dog is pissed off at me. She won’t listen to me today much less look at me. I ran out of doggy treats. She’s such an addict!

    • admin October 25, 2012 at 22:10 #

      People just like to watch a train wreck. People delete me all the time for reasons I’m not really sure about. I’m always unintentionally offending someone. Btw I don’t think you are offensive but you could make a living at it. Rush Limbaugh comes to mind.

      • Cindy October 25, 2012 at 23:03 #

        Rush Limbaugh and people like him do it intentionally and don’t seem to care who they piss off, in fact they seem to relish it. I do not. It bothers me when people are upset at me, whether it should or not. I get in trouble when I speak the truth. My brother once said, “Just cause it’s true, doesn’t mean you gotta say it!”. Apparently, most people like to delude themselves and don’t like it when you pop their bubble. I have no delusions about myself and welcome and consider others points of view. Just like you do. Maybe that’s partly why we get along so well. If I were to ever piss you off, I’m sure we could work it out. :)

        • admin October 25, 2012 at 23:16 #

          I agree.

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