In the Long Run

Allow me to talk for a moment about something I’ve chosen to do for the rest of my natural born life – being an artist. Let’s even be more be specific here by saying graphic artist. Notice I did not say “motherhood” because I plan on watching over them even after I’m gone. As a working mother in any profession you have to chose between which is most important, children or work. For me, it’s the kids, so I must squeeze in creative time whenever I can, which is a few hours out of the day. Now that time is so scarce, I feel so stupid for all those college years I wasted having fun and partying when I should have been building up my body of artwork. Then again, I’m glad I sowed my wild oats before I became a parent, which only happened because of the oats to begin with. It’s a loop, I know. So here we go loopty loo. Okay, there is simply not enough time in the day to do and learn all I want to. I might be able to get more done if I was more organized and started my day early-on when the kids are out of the house. When they come home it’s all over. As a creative person, I’ve never been organized though. I guess it just goes with the territory. I really don’t know any that are. I’m not saying they don’t exist, I just don’t know any, just like I don’t know any that are good in math. I took finite math 4 times until I finally passed it. I had to shut off the whole right side of my brain to pass, which was very painful in every way, shape and form. I’m still happy that I did it and got my degree. That is something I don’t regret in the least. I admit I did right after I joined the workforce. It was so disheartening working alongside people who went to 6 months of trade school. I really felt like I had wasted my time and my parents money. It wasn’t until later on that it all evened out. I failed in Louisiana to keep any sort of graphics job, they are usually very fleeting there with no opportunity for advancement, so I took up with GM supplier which was great but I was not using my degree in the least. When the pay is good, you learn to let it go. When that job finally ran it’s course, fate took me to Germany, where I had to prove I had a degree to get the graphics job I wanted before I even left The States. Though the degree did not pay off right away it did pay off, especially since it was instrumental in starting my new life abroad. One thing I have learned is to get all the education you can and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. You have to be prepared and you never know where life will take you. Sorry this post didn’t really turn out to be on graphics but more about things working out in the long run. So I am going to name it accordingly :)


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