
Today instead of my flicker turning into a flame, it turned into a dud. That could also describe several relationships but I won’t go there today. My spark started to dwindle around 10am after I wrote my blog about how productive and magical I felt. I guess I called that one wrong. From what I read, überproductive people such as Anna Wintour and Michelle Obama get up at 4 or 5am. I’m not saying they are and they do, that’s just what I read. Some people actually do get up that early because they like to and are morning people. I know. I’ve met ‘em.What the hell goes on at 5am? It would be nice to get a jump on the day but my mind just doesn’t function that early in the morning. That’s when I’m just going to bed. Whenever I wake up too early it ends up biting me in the ass. I laid down for a minute and ended up passing out. No doubt I looked just like Sleeping Beauty. Anyways, on to what I really wanted to talk about – that ethereal place your mind goes when you are not really sleeping but not totally awake. Okay, so I fell asleep.

Well, I wasn’t asleep too long before I heard a man’s footsteps coming up the stairs. It’s always a man for some reason. This particular time it wasn’t creepy, just unwanted. Any intruder would be unwanted unless it happened to be a young Antonio Banderas lookalike but I digress. In my mind I thought to myself “Lay still and see if he walks in here.” This time the foosteps stopped before they got to my room but a lot of times they don’t. When they do enter the bedroom, I feel like there’s a hand over my mouth and I am totally paralyzed. I never can open my eyes to see anything. Luckily, today it wasn’t so severe. Besides the footsteps, I heard a lot of commotion going on downstairs, like someone was banging around in the kitchen. This is a bit unnerving but it doesn’t happen too often.

I was lingering in that grey area between sleep and awake where communication lines are open between the world we see and the world we don’t. In that area I have been privy to lots of things such as my cat telling me to get up and otherworldy beings trying to tell me something I could not comprehend. I do think our minds are more open in this state and I think the other world does communicate with us in some form or another. Some people would not believe me but I think a spiritual person would. I have always been a very spiritual person. Usually I come in contact with beings of the darks side. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen an angel before. If I have, I was unaware. It would be a change of pace. I think it’s a spiritual gift, maybe a scary one, but a gift, nevertheless. I will end this here by saying,  just let sleeping dogs lie, no pun intended ;)



2 Responses to Otherworldly

  1. Cindy December 6, 2012 at 01:59 #


    • admin December 6, 2012 at 02:02 #


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