On Many Different Notes

As I write this,  it’s 2:30 in the am. When I go to bed early, say 8:30, my eyes just fly open at 2 or 3 in the morning. Somehow I’m either just going to sleep or just waking up at this ungodly hour. The first thing I did when I got up was to go online and see if I missed anything while I was sleeping. Well, if I was anxious to know what Kim Kardashian and Kanye wore for Halloween then I missed something, other than that, I could have stayed asleep. If there is a God in heaven those 2 will not produce. I’ve never in my life seen two more self absorbed people. I did read an article on Hurricane Sandy and more than one person commented by saying that they hoped she would be sucked into the vortex. Anyways, enough about her. People probably read this post to get away from her. Her and the elections. I am so burned out on these elections. Speaking of elections….

This is the most intense presidential race I have every witnessed. I may not agree with Romney all the way but I sure as hell don’t agree with Obama and his socialist agenda and that’s exactly what it is. A lot of people can’t see it for what it is but if you look closely it’s all there. I won’t go into it any further because I’ve said my piece on it many times. I am tired of eating, sleeping and breathing Obama. I’ve never seen someone so propped up on a pedestal to worship in all whole life. Even Madonna, who has no respect for anybody seems to bow down at the Cult of Obama. If that isn’t a endorsement for Romney then I don’t know what is. Michelle Obama didn’t bother me in the beginning. I didn’t care for her husband but she seemed okay. My opinion has totally changed. She is nothing but a parasite that is willing to do or say anything to keep her husband in office so they can continue to live high on the hog. Marie Antionette comes to mind here. They are dining on steak, traveling all over the globe, taking separate flights for each family member including the dog. They are living in the lap of luxury while America has gone to hell in a handbasket. If her husband loses they will have to pry here out of the White House in January. What they have done is so unfair. Young adults have put their lives on hold because they can’t make it in these hard economic times. I have at least 3 friends around my age, 40ish, who had to move back in with their parents. Luckily none have kids. Still, it’s a sad state of affairs. Everybody should have the opportunity to live their lives the way they chose and I don’t think this is it.

On a totally different note, what is the deal with Gangnam Style? I don’t see the appeal but then again I didn’t see it with the Macarena either. Who Let the Dogs Out also comes to mind. Gangnam Style seems to have taken over the internet. I’m subjected to gyrating Koreans at every turn. At least My son seems to get a kick out of it. I always catch him watching it and laughing. If it makes a moody teen happy then kudos to to the gyrating Koreans. Give those people a Grammy.

You know my life is dull when I resort to talking about any of the above mentioned. I got a hint that it was dull when I had a dream my oven mitt that I had been meaning to wash was clean. Maybe it was a secret or not so secret desire never to do laundry again. Maybe it was really something symbolic about Mitt Romney. Who knows. Whether you like him or not, Mitt is a cute name. Okay, when I start rambling about oven mitts I know it’s time to call it quits. That’s my cue. I promise to have something more thought out tomorrow. It might not be Shakespeare but I promise to entertain you for a little while. See you on the morrow :)


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