Not Enough Sugar Left In the Bowl

This is going to be an short and sweet, early morning rant. First of all because I don’t like mornings and second of all I need to vent a little. I feel like I woke up a day late and a dollar short. I went to bed at 10pm thinking I would get up in time for the 3am vice-presidential debate but I overslept 4 hours. Oh well, I’m not too broken up since it’s not as important as the presidential debates. Biden always looks drunk anyways and Ryan looks like Eddie Munster. I will blame the exhaustion on the parenthood. You know what they say. If you’re not tired, you’re not doin’ it right. These kids are draining every little bit of life force I have left and it’s not much to begin with. My son snapped a pic of me yesterday where I looked like an overgrown monster. Needless to say a workout is at the top of the agenda for today and for the rest of my life. I will look good in a bathing suit next summer if it kills me and it might. Then a haircut, a facial, hair removal, etc….What happened to the youthful 20′s where no matter what you do you’re still pretty? These days I’m pushing 40 and I feel like a big ole fluffy mess. I could have gone on and not had kids and kept my figure but they are really what I live for, so I don’t regret my decision in the least. It could be worse. I could have spread out like Kim Kardashian before the kids. I will take the blame somewhat. I do regret not taking better care of my diet but damn, I love to eat! What’s really upsetting is to see people who can eat all night and day, inhaling an entire smorgasbord of food while I am reduced to a few shreds of lettuce and some chicken? I guess today is going to be filled with self loathing. Fortunately, a workout can usually do wonders for one’s mood. One thing I’m glad about is that 50 is no longer 50. Nigella Lawson looks fabulous and she’s over 50. She’s like Mary Poppins – practically perfect in every way even down to the accent. My real question is: Why doesn’t she weigh 500lbs? When I make something out of her cookbook it’s usually for a special occasion like coffee on Sunday which is a traditon here in Germany like tea is in Britain. I can’t imagine cooking Nutella Pie every day of the week. Life would definitely be sweeter if that were the case.  Anyways, I’m off to deal with the difficulties in life. No pie for me. Peace  :)

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