Me and My Poisonous Pen

I had an online friend who wondered how I found so much to write about. Sometimes it’s hard and I just start typing to see what comes of it and sometimes I am so inspired that I can’t write fast enough. I have to admit it’s usually the former. Luckily I had so many doors slammed in my face, bad happenings that just made instant fodder for my rants that I thought of going into standup comedy. With much passion, I jetted off to Judy Carter’s comedy classes in Los Angeles with the some of a tax return I got that year. My Dad and my very conservative, never-take-a-risk mother thought it was a stupid idea but I never regretted the decision. It enriched me in ways I never imagined. I actually learned to write a joke and learned that I wasn’t half bad getting an audience to laugh and that I might be a natural. There comes a time when I’m “on” and there’s no stopping me. Usually it’s in front of a crowd or when I’m surrounded by queens. If  I had an audience full of queens we’d be talking world domination here. Unfortunately, I gave up the dream when I left The States because the language barrier makes it hard to relate. Also the German sense of humor is very different. I watched a German comic on TV a few years ago and I’m guessing it’s acceptable to laugh at your own jokes. I was told early on by my mom not to laugh at my own jokes – repeatedly. One of my siblings was particularly bad at this and, nearing 40, she still is but she’ll get the wrath of my poisonous pen another day. Though family is always a favorite target when making a joke, it can make family get-togethers a bit tense. Then again, there’s usually some unpleasantness. All it takes is one remark someone doesn’t like to start a Jerry Springer-like avalanche. I prefer to save my barbs for more obvious targets like Honey Boo Boo and Kim Kardashian – people I don’t have to deal with at Christmas. Obama’s a joke too but I don’t like to kick a dead horse. I have feeling he already got his butt beat by Michelle after the debates and  foresee a divorce if he doesn’t get a 2nd term. I’m not Jean Dixon, just observant. They look like The Grinch and a black Howdy Doody. Enough about those 2 paving stones. I’m tired of this election. Let’s vote and then move forward – or not. Anyways, back to standup. I was thinking about taking it up again since the obstacles that were once there are no longer there. The winds of change have finally moved in my favor after years of hardship. I’m so glad I persevered. When you reap the rewards of hard work, the taste is so sweet :)


maybe I should pick it back up.

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8 Responses to Me and My Poisonous Pen

  1. Michelle October 6, 2012 at 19:18 #

    You should have seen my folks when I told them I was going to clown college. My mom was in shock. In time she has adapted but I like clowning so I just keep on. Keep being your original you. That is who God intended you to be. :) . And not that it matters but I like who you are.

    • admin October 6, 2012 at 20:05 #

      OMG Michelle. What did they do? I have to admit I laughed too when my parents told me. TY for the compliment :)

  2. Cindy October 6, 2012 at 22:53 #

    I think it’s cool that you took comedy classes and, you should take it up again. Now I understand why all the clown posters. :) My own warped sense of humer is a direct result of many “bad happenings” in my life–a coping mechanism. Some of the best comedians are the serious type in person and have been through some serious sh*t in life. Laugh away the pain right?! I was forced to take Speech at BPCC. The only class I ever dropped, then put off till my last semester. I was extremely shy and couldn’t imagine talking in front of a group of people. It was here I found out I could make people laugh. I was amazed and quite surprised when people laughed where I wanted them to laugh in my speeches. It made me feel more comfortable standing up there, so I made sure to make them laugh each and every speech. Better to have them laughing with you instead of at you. ;) Btw, I made an ‘A’ in speech and I am prouder of that ‘A’ than any other! And Shea, I think it’s okay to laugh at yourself. If not you, then who?

    • admin October 7, 2012 at 00:23 #

      I remember having to take speech at BPCC about 2o years ago. I tried a few times. I have gotten to where I’m finally comfortable with public speaking. I still don’t relish it or anything. I am glad I took comedy those classes :)

  3. Cindy October 7, 2012 at 01:34 #

    I think everbody should have to take Speech and work in retail (perferably as a cashier in a grocery store…lol) at least once in their lives. I use to be an introvert, but now I can talk to anybody!

    • admin October 7, 2012 at 01:58 #

      I can be both depending on the situation. If I’ve been drinking it changes thing dramatically.

  4. Michelle October 7, 2012 at 13:11 #

    My parents couldn’t do much since I was legally grown. They didn’t support it at first. Unless you see and can experience the faces of the kids, the joy and smiles that seeing, interacting, and hugging a clown brings to most kids and many adults, it is hard to understand. I never would have wanted to be a clown a first because I was to worried about being cute and was concerned with what others may think. But after just one time, I was hooked. Never before had I seen such joy. My clowning was frowned on by my x too. So I eventually quit. And as hard as this may be to believe, your brother convinced me to try again. He even got me the expensive big shoes. I am blessed that it doesn’t embarrass him. Spending time at Sutton’s Children’s hospital, you get to bring smiles to kids and families who might not otherwise. Anyway, sorry for such a long post.

    • admin October 7, 2012 at 13:39 #

      I think that’s great Michelle. We all have our own path that we have to follow. I don’t regret any decisions I’ve made following my dreams and I’m glad you don’t either. I like all sorts of comments. I don’t care how long they are :)

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