Late Night Visitor

As I sit here trying to spin a flaxen tale to tell you on this terribly rainy night, all I can come up with is a ghostly visit I had about 11 years ago. No it doesn’t rival Harry Potter or The Exorcist, just one of life’s little anomalies. Sometimes in life things happen that leave you wondering. This was such an occasion. I was living in an aparment at the time with my son. I had my computer and desk next to the bed since it was the most convenient place to put it at the time. If I wasn’t working on something, my son was playing Bugdom or Disney games on it. After he was tucked in, me and my significant other had fallen asleep. I’m not sure what woke me up but I opened my eyes to see a woman sitting at my computer desk. She was close enough for me to touch her if I wanted but I didn’t. She was just staring at the screen, not acknowledging me. All I could make out was here long, dark hair just like mine and her clothes were nondescript. I was so suprised. For some reason at all Iwas not scared, just suprised. All I could do was get my partner’s attention by shaking him. Needless to say, he didn’t get up and he didn’t see anything. Since I was really tired anyways and not scared, I drifted back to sleep, never seeing her again. I still wonder what the point of this spectral vision was. She did not interact with me in the slightest, so what would be the purpose? I never did figure out who she was but I am content not to have another visit.


2 Responses to Late Night Visitor

  1. Cindy September 1, 2012 at 00:40 #

    Have you ever tried talking to them? You know, just ask ‘em, “Wth do you want?!?”…that would be me. ;) When was the last time you had a ‘late night visitor’?

    • admin September 1, 2012 at 08:21 #

      It always happens so fast that I never get the chance. Next time I will try. It’s been a few years since anything like that happened to me.

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