It’s a Hard Knocks Life

It seems like I stay on a sleep deficit. If there’s no rest for the wicked then I must be the most evil person on earth. Why is it that I can’t get a good nights sleep? I can’t even get a nap these days. I stayed up till 3 trying to finish up my artwork only to have my child fall sick and be home with me all day. She’s usually in childcare til noon, giving me ample time to catch up on sleep. But today went to hell in a hand basket first thing this morning. She fussed all morning and nothing I did seemed to pacify her. I took her to the doctor at noon where she was diagnosed with Bronchitis so then I picked up her meds. When I got her home she finally went to sleep and I figured I could shut my eyes for a cotton pickin’ minute. I must have been livin’ in a fool’s paradise if I thought that was gonna work out. Immediately some fool calls making me wanna give him a cussin’. I then get another call from my son’s friend who seems to have our number on speed dial. Next the neighbor comes over and the baby is up. This is makin’ for a sh**ty day. Why do I even try? I swear. This almost ranks up there with that awful weekend I went to see The Cure in Milan but on a smaller scale. Anyways, back to me being supermom or just superperson. Being a mom, I have to make sure the kids are taken care of which means feeding them, and giving in to their constant demands. Then it’s housework, freelance linguistics work, daily blogging whether people read it or not, an online class, creating priceless artwork and if I’m lucky, a Jillian Michaels workout. Luckily she has 20 minute workouts that deliver. You really can’t beat that. Moving on. There always seems to be so much to do, and with artwork being something I like, I let it take a backseat, though it should come right after the kids. I remember spending time in college doing God Knows What when it should have been devoted solely to artwork. Oh, how hindsight is 20/20. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Youth is wasted on the young. If I had known then what a luxury it was to have time to devote to artistic pursuits, I would have spent it more wisely. Now here I am, almost 40 with 2 kids. I probably won’t get a break til they’re out of the house the the grandkids will come rollin’ in. Well, there are worst things than living to see your grandchildren. Just go with the flow I guess. C’est la vie :)

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2 Responses to It’s a Hard Knocks Life

  1. Cindy October 5, 2012 at 20:33 #

    Bad day, Shea? It’ll get better. It always does.

    • admin October 5, 2012 at 21:20 #

      Yes, but everything is quiet now. Thank God.

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