Idle Hands

I can’t believe it’s already Sunday. It feels like it just started and now it’s over. It’s almost scary how fast time flies past your face. I must have slept through it. I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished anything more that. Truthfully, I needed the sleep so I guess it wasn’t totally a waste. I did a little bit here and there regarding art work but I don’t feel like I did too much of importance regarding work. I hate that unproductive feeling. On the parenthood front, though, I think I made some strides.

I did manage to get my teenage son to do a Biggest Loser workout with me in exchange for some Microsoft points, which at least got him off the couch. I must say, I was impressed. Though I am in pretty good shape for someone that’s almost 40, I’m no match for youthful energy. He was doing double time with the invisible jump rope which I’ve never been able to do as fast. And by acting foolishly during some of the other exercises with so much vigor, he probably got a better work out than he intended. I am a fitness buff and I have tried to encourage this in both my kids. I’ll let you know when it sticks. My dad has always been into fitness and as a result so are me and my 2 sisters. I think it hurt him that my bother was not interested in bodybuilding and fitness but 3 out of 4 aint bad.

On another positive note, my son did get his first job ever delivering shoppers in the afternoon. This Saturday was his first day and he did it successfully. It’s moments like this that make me beam with pride. I have been trying to instill my work ethic in him for so long. Maybe it will finally stick. I always get so frustrated with him for his lack of ambition. Hopefully this is a turning point. I believe that hard work reaps it’s own rewards. I have no time for laziness or lazy people though I have to make an exception with my own child. As a parent I will never give up no matter how disinclined to work my child may be.

Speaking of “disinclined”, this reminds me of something me and a friend of mine talked about the other day – idle people expecting something for nothing. This really gets under my skin. Hard working Americans are supporting the lazy ones. When did this become acceptable? There is definitely something wrong in the state of Denmark. I can understand asking for assistance when you need it but to make it a lifestyle choice is wrong. My friend, who works over 50 hours a week, said maybe he should go to the doctor and have himself declared unable to work so he can collect food stamps just by sitting at home watching TV. Though I don’t think he was serious, I can see his point and understand how he feels to slave away while others reap his rewards. It’s bad when the “takers” outnumber the “givers”. I have been taught not to be a “taker” and I, in turn, am teaching my children not to be as well but what will we do when there are no more “givers” anymore? The day awaits us, unfortunately.

“Idleness is sweet, and its consequences are cruel” ~ John Quincy Adams



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