Business As Usual

Some days like today go smoothly and I am so appreciative of those days but it’s only 2:30 in the afternoon so I won’t hold my breath. Let’s just go with the flow today and hope the bottom doesn’t fall out, shall we? The Christmas Spirit is with me today, a holiday-obsessed friend of mine will be happy to know. I told him that I had not bought a tree yet and he told me he needed a water spritzer because he was about to pass out. Never tell a queen you’re behind on your decorations. If I lived closer to him, he probably would have cut the tree himself, come over and done up the whole house. What a shame we don’t live in the same apartment, city or even country for that matter. I need some outside lights. Now that I think about it, it’s strange that we used to spend almost every waking hour together in college and now we are so many miles apart.

Luckily, there is always Facebook which makes it so easy to keep in touch with friends. The downside is, is that you are also easily accessible to people you don’t want to run into in a dark ally. I have actually had to block a few people from sending me IMs. I hate doing it but when it’s done obsessively I have no choice. It’s been a rather trying year for me so I don’t need to compound it with unnecessary BS. I have been dining on emotional turmoil with my oldest child. I don’t need a side order of unnecessary drama.

Stress has many side affects. I have had some very strange dreams lately. I had this dream last night that I was starting a baking business with a group of people, one of them being Kate Middleton, and I had to make all sorts of baked goods. For some reason I was the only one baking and everything was on me. I was going just as fast as I could but I just couldn’t get it together. I kept running out of ingredients. Somehow I desperately needed to make it to the store so I had to stand outside and hitch a ride. When I returned I got the feeling I had let everyone down. It was a big ole sh***y mess.  This is similar to the recurring dream where I’m waiting tables and I am going in slow motion and can’t get anything done. One big group of people sit down after another and I never manage to get them their drinks. In some cases I totally forget about the customers altogether until it’s time for them to leave. I sometimes have this dream even though I haven’t waited tables in about 10 years. Fortunately, since I don’t wait tables anymore I don’t have it as often.

To add to the specialness of current events, it came to my attention yesterday that someone thinks my artwork is creepy. Nobody has ever said that before. I’ve actually met people who think I am creepy but not my artwork. Maybe I’m just a creepy person. I thought my artwork was warm and loving. I guess the creep is always the last to know they are creepy. Does that put me in league with Mary Todd Lincoln, because everyone thought she was not only creepy but insane? I’d rather not even think about it at this point. Luckily this tumultuous year is almost over so let’s wrap this bitch up and call it a day. Let’s hope and pray for an awesome 2013, shall we?



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2 Responses to Business As Usual

  1. Cindy December 4, 2012 at 09:16 #

    Thinking about the creep who said your artwork was creepy…to each their own! I don’t think of you or your artwork as being creepy. I think you are different and special in a good kinda way. You stand out from the crowd. Just keep doing what you do and being who you are.

    • admin December 4, 2012 at 10:39 #

      They didn’t say it to me. Wolgang told me a certain pic gave them the creeps but that’s okay. It doesn’t bother me. TY Cindy :)

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