Artist’s Block

I feel uninspired. I have what could be called Artist’s Block. It’s been a problem for everyone in the creative field at some time or another.  Sometimes I feel like ideas are flooding out of me so fast they cannot be contained bordering on mania. Other times I am so drained, I am devoid of any creativity whatsoever and I am content to play Frontierville(something that does not require thinking whatsoever) or watch old reruns of Laverne & Shirley with a tub of ice cream and laugh my head off. But, since artwork is so fulfilling for me, I find it very important to get back to doing what I love to do – create. I found a few things that help when I feel like packing it in.

Plan A -I found getting up really early, maybe 5am or so does the trick which is unusual because I loathe mornings and deeply resent the chipper people who get up with the roosters. Somehow the wee hours spurs on my creativity but mostly it’s the dead of night. I have spent many long endless nights feeding my passion, like the vampire that I am. I never professed to be normal. Abnormality actually comes with the artistic territory. It’s something I learned to live with a long time ago, now I enjoy it.

Plan B – I find really old pics I like from Egyptian to Renaissance art and beyond. My book on Pop Art is a favorite. I just love it .I check out all sorts of artwork to draw inspiration but not steal. Even if I did blatantly rip of an Andy Warhol, I couldn’t steal someone else’s magic. You never can – something Lady GaGa would do well to learn – btw isn’t her 15 minutes up yet?

Plan C – This one works the best for me. I just start putting a bunch of images ramdomly together like a big clusterfuck. Pretty soon it starts taking it’s own shape and it doesn’t look like the big ole shitty mess it was. It emerges like it was already there just waiting for me to discover it. A blank canvas can be so intimidating.

Those are the 3 main things I do when I am so uninspired that the creativity is deader than disco. Overall I think it is just important to give it a try. As the Nike ad states, just do it. I am so guilty of trying to make everything so perfect that I don’t get as much done as I could. I am going to make an effort to just create art whether perfect or not. I have found that the artwork I deemed crappy is actually the one that I get the most compliments on. So I just keep on keeping on, being the best I can be and everything wiil fall into place :)



3 Responses to Artist’s Block

  1. Michelle March 8, 2012 at 15:25 #

    You will inspire more artistic people by being so open :) . Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cindy August 24, 2012 at 07:02 #

    Perhaps you are also more creative in the dead of the night because this is Your Time and it is without all the daytime distractions of daily life. I also found it interesting that you would get up at 5:00 a.m. and feel creative…that IS more like a morning person! But my favorite thing you said was, “I just keep on keeping on, being the best I can be”…with that kind of attitude, I do believe “everything WILL fall into place”.

    • admin August 25, 2012 at 02:18 #

      Thanks Cindy :)

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