Winter of Our Discontent

This man, who was elected to lead our country, has decided to chat with the ladies on The View instead of meeting with world leaders. He is a disgrace, pure and simple. Okay, I’m seeing this but my mind cannot seem to grasp it. I see the President of the United States going from talk show to talk show, fundraiser to fundraiser while America is being threatened. Now, I may not be Einstein, but I would think that he didn’t care. When he’s not partying with Beyonce, he’s playing golf or vacationing. It begs the question : When does the man work? My guess would be that he doesn’t . If he had done a bang-up job the past 4 years, the middle east wasn’t on fire and most of the country wasn’t unemployed and on food stamps, it would be all good. Going on The View with Moochelle while Israel is being threatend with extinction does not qualify as doing a good job. I could have done a better job with a ouija board. For the life of me, I don’t understand why people are willing to vote for him. Why on God’s green earth? No answer you can give me will be good enough. What’s up with this crazy devotion to this “Messiah?” Let’s be clear, he is NOT the Messiah. This is a lifetime of bible study talking here. I don’t claim to know every bit of scripture by heart to know he’s not God. Anyway, Romney declined, which he should have until the election is over. I personally would not want to be thrown in a pit with these ladies either, maybe with the exception of Whoopi. Just watching them is painful enough. I saw them practically rip Debbie Matenopoulos to shreds back in the 90′s. But we know how stars tend to fawn over Barry. He’s not Princess Di or anything so get a grip. Hollywood has really gone to the dogs especially If they think I’m gonna vote based on Who George Clooney or Sarah Jessica Parker tell me who to vote for. Regarding the middle east situation, I wonder what Chillary thinks about all this mess. The look on her face is says it all. It’s enough for me as well and I bid you farewell until tomorrow.

PS: This is a link about out Barry’s View appearance right here.

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2 Responses to Winter of Our Discontent

  1. Connie Quillen September 25, 2012 at 02:36 #

    Even though I don’t leave comments, I read your blog daily. It may make me laugh, wonder wtf, or just provoke thoughts of my own. Whatever it does, I enjoy it.
    I agree with you on Obama. I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I try to vote for the best candidate, not just a straight party ticket. Even though I didn’t vote for Obama, I was hopeful when he was inaugurated. I thought to myself,”how can this many Americans be wrong?” We’ll in my opinion, they were wrong. I’m ashamed of him. My hope is that the damage that’s been done to our country can be undone. My son suggests that the only way Obama’s supporters will ever turn on him is if he’s elected for 4 more years and fails miserably, again. I don’t think America can handle 4 more years and those that support him now do so because he supports them. He pays their rent, groceries, insurance, and anything else they need. He pays for it with our money. I’m surprised by the number of people that really have no clue where our government gets their money. It’s like they think they generate an income all on their own. I’ve made the comment before that “I paid for that” and was quickly given the reply, “no, the government did.” OMG! Really? Sad!

    • admin September 25, 2012 at 06:32 #

      Thanks Connie. I am flattered that you take the time everyday.I didn’t vote for him either but after he won I wanted to give him a chance. I’ve never seen such an unpatriotic president. If I ever decide to move back to America I might come home to barbed wire and a wall. He’s got to go. Btw, I always love comments :)

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