Very Odd and Very Loose Ends

After I wrote my last few posts on JonBenet, I noticed I am not the only one obsessed with this case, not that I really ever questioned it. Due to vast interest, I should probably dedicate a blog totally to this in the future. We’ll see how it goes. In this post, I wanted to try out a few theories of my own. Well, not really, my own – just what I believe. There is an over abundance of theories of what happened on that cold,winter night of December 25th 1996. They range from truly bizarre to an honest-to-God accident. I will get into that in the next post. Today, I would simply like to tie up some loose ends. Attention: this will be a long post.

On December 26th, 5:52 Patsy Ramsey made a 911 call begging police for help. Cops arrived 7 minutes later, probably an eternity when your child is missing. When they arrived at 6am, Patsy was in full makeup and wearing what she had worn to the party the night before. This begs the question, did she even go to bed that night? I can’t speak for Patsy, but if you roll up on me at that ungodly hour, it aint gonna be pretty. The only way I would be nicely dressed and made-up would be if I went to bed that way or stayed up all night. I do have a habit of wearing the same clothes repeatedly, usually out of laziness, but from what people that knew Patsy say, she would not have. While being in full makeup and wearing the same thing twice is not a crime in itself, you still have to wonder if that’s an indication of it. If she didn’t sleep that night. What did she do?

What we gather from the 911 tape is that there was someone else with John and Patsy during the call. After the call was enhanced by Aerospace Corporation, another voice was lifted off the tape. In the moments before the call actually terminates, we hear a conversation. We hear Patsy’s voice say ‘Help me, Jesus, help me, Jesus.’  and what sounds like Burke say ‘Please, what do I do?’ Next we hear John Ramsey bark “We’re not talking to you.”  then the voice asks “Well, what did you find? Obviously, it wasn’t JonBenet and, according to the parents, Burke was asleep until he was woken up at 7am. Burke himself says he pretended to be asleep. If the voice, indeed, does not belong to Burke, then to whom does it belong? A possible accomplice that matches the DNA in JB’s underwear and under her fingernails? Burke said he heard movement during the night and in the early morning hours he heard hushed voices. Methinks he knows something he’s not telling. I definitely think he could shed some light on this murder if he so wanted but I don’t look for that ever to happen. If he does, it will be after any threat to him is long dead.

One thing we do know is, someone fed JonBenet the pineapple that was found partially digested in her lower intestines when she supposedly went straight to bed. It has been suggested that it was eaten 1 to 1 1/2 hours before she died, making it around midnight. Patsy and Burke’s fingerprints were all over the bowl and spoon. Patsy denies feeding it to her or even buying it but, there it is on the table. There was a glass of tea next to it with Burke’s fingerprints all over it. It’s almost like they had a midnight snack. That doesn’t make him the killer, necessarily, but it does tell me that she either didn’t go straight to bed like the parents say or that she got up during the night. Was she lured out of her room by the promise of pineapple, which she adored? If so, that would mean the killer was not a stranger.

While I think we need to look inside the house for answers, it’s important to check out the surroundings. Neighbors were, of course, interviewed. One man, a Mr. Scott Gibbons, claims he saw lights on in the Butler Pantry around midnight which he thought was strange since he had never seen them on before. He also saw strange lights in the kitchen area, almost like someone creeping around in the semi-darkness so as not to awaken anyone in the house. Perhaps they were creeping around with the large flashlight used to bash JonBenet in the head – just a thought. On a side note, such a flashlight was found on the wall in the kitchen. The note pad and the marker used to write the ransom note were also found in the house but I will come back to that later. Another neighbor noticed a safety light out for the first time. She says it always burned through the night. Somebody somewhere, it would seem, was taking matters in hand. Also, no dogs in the neighborhood were tipped off, so whoever killed JonBenet was already in the house.

One neighbor across the street was awoken by a horrifying scream. She said it was around midnight to 2am and the lasted for just a few seconds. She said she assumed the child’s parents would take care of the child so she didn’t do anything about it but wake up her husband who said he heard something crashing and “metal on concrete”. The Ramseys claim to have never heard any of this. Unbelievable? You bet. If the neighbor heard it, so did the Ramseys.

Let’s go back to before the murder. Three days before Christmas, the Ramseys had a party complete with a Santa Claus, portrayed by elderly neighbor Bill McReynolds. During the party, a mysterious 911 call was made from house but no one knows who made the call. To me, this would mean the murderer was at the party and called to see how long it would take for cops to get there. I could be wrong. Maybe there was a problem but it was covered up before the cops got there. Either way, the murderer was most likely at the party.

These are just a few ifs, ands, or buts. I look forward to expanding on some of these in the next few days. Here’s one fore the road….

One odd twist that leads me away from the parents is an account by neighbor Barbara Kostanick. JonBenet was at her house playing with her daughter Megan on Christmas Eve. JonBenet told her Santa was going to make a special visit to her after Christmas. To clarify, Mrs. Barbara Kostanick told her Santa would be coming that night. JonBenet replied “He said this would be after Christmas. And it’s a secret”. Patsy said JonBenet had never said this to her. This certainly does add a creepier twist to the story. Glean from that what you may and sweet dreams.




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