This Woman’s Work

I am so behind on everything I need to do. There’s artwork that needs to be finished, blog writing, linguistic work, online class, studying french, and housework to do. Taking care of the kids is a given. It gives me very little time to excercise but I will fit it in somehow next week. If I don’t get it done before the kids get home it’s pretty much a no-go for the day. I like being productive and I often skimp on sleep but there comes a time when it absolutely must be had. Luckily I got some good rest last night and I have enough energy to blast me through next week. I miss those college days when I had countless hours to spend on artwork, which I didn’t of course. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. More hours were spent hangin’ out at the club. At least I got it out of my system before the kids came along. Another fault of mine, and I’m not one to point out my own faults, is that I spend too much time on fb and that cuts into my productivity.  To my credit, I don’t play the Zynga games anymore. To my discredit, I somehow got sucked into them. Once you do, you’ve lost. That being said,I should clear out the rubbish and make art a priority. I’ve got so many things in the works that are so close to being done but I can’t bring them to a successful conclusion, meaning it doesn’t get my point across. All my art makes a point whether you get it or not. I’m feeling unusually creative today, so maybe today’s the day that everything I started get finished but I think that’s a little too optimistic. As usual, I will work late into the night, which is when my best ideas come about. I will try to add some more art to my page in the coming week. C’est la vi :)

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