The Cards That Were Dealt

It seems like forever since I have written a blog but I have too many irons in the fire these days. I do enjoy blogging but somehow it always manages to come in last when the chips are down. Judging from whats going on in the world,there are so many front page articles to write about that I have no idea where to start. I will save my opinion on the Pistorious murder, the resignation of the Pope and it’s deeper meaning for another day and the one on the Kimye baby – never. I don’t feel like getting too deep today. I feel sorta lighthearted. Well, not really, just more lighthearted after taking my chill pill to keep me from any anxiety attacks.

While I’m waiting for the pill to take full effect, I want to talk about the unfairness of life. Why is there so much unfairness in the world? Let’s cut to the chase. Why am I so fat for eating little while some people can eat day and night and not gain a pound? This may seem shallow to some but I really need to vent. I have struggled my whole life with weight. I remember being in the break-room at work one evening and watching coworkers sharing a pizza while I was reduced to a dry chicken breast and green beans. Where’s the justice? True, I did look good at the time but to live my life counting calories doesn’t seem to be much of a life at all. The French don’t do it and they look fabulous – chic and petite. Why should I?

I need to head on over to France or Italy since they obviously have the secret. During my travels of Italy I noticed they are tiny – tiny and fashionable. I couldn’t believe it but I actually lost weight during my trip to Venice. Somehow my body doesn’t seem to register ice cream or gelato so I eat it freely when I am in Italy and at home, for that matter, but one can only eat so much of it. Its the carbs my body hates. When I do eat them I make sure it’s early in the morning and not after 11:am. Definitely not at night. I always end up regretting midnight feedings. I do the best I can with my genetics but it doesn’t seem to be enough.

I would like to know who gave me this fat gene so I can place a curse on them – Sophia Petrillo style. An old friend of mine also got this faulty gene. She works out literally day and night to stay in shape and her food is prescribed in certain amounts. While she looks good, it just doesn’t seem worth it to dedicate my life to working out. True I have spent the past 20 years working out but I do do other things along with it. If I have to workout nonstop, I’ll just stick with being a fat fat water rat. Who wants to live in a gym? It’s not a good place to raise kids.

I promise that in the next life the tables will be turned. I will be born an ectomorph, you know the tall, willowy figure like Nicole Kidman has. That type of body is made for glamour. Unfortunately I was born an endomorph, the short, round body type that has a hard time shedding fat. Danny DeVito immediately comes to mind. Luckily, with my huge breasts and thickish waist I look more like Jessica Simpson than him. I owe that to steady workouts or I probably would have already achieved the full Penguin metamorphosis. I never was crazy about Jessica or her vacuousness but I can totally sympathize with her. She, like me, is prone to weight gain. Some people just are. People call her fat no matter what size she is. She can’t win. I totally understand. I never could win either. I was always told I was fat even when I was a size 9. Nobody in single digit clothing sizes is fat. Luckily for Jessica, she can afford a chef, a trainer and a nanny with her billion dollar fortune. That, I can’t sympathize with. I wish I could. Oh, how the other half live!

Though I may fuss and whine about the unfairness of life, at the end of the day, I have to play the cards I am dealt. Fortunately, I was dealt food to eat, a place to live, loving family and friends and the list goes on and on. Sure there are people that have it much better than I do but that’s okay. So many people in this world get by on a fraction of what I have. This makes me feel ashamed for complaining. Very ashamed. I am worried about being overweight while somebody is starving. That does put things in perspective. I will go about my business today and I will be back later with another blog. Peace <3

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4 Responses to The Cards That Were Dealt

  1. Cinday February 20, 2013 at 21:21 #

    I, along with many others, do not find bone azz skinny women with their so called perfect features and vain and shallow attitudes, attractive. Neither do most men. It’s a false image that marketers have shoved down our throats so they can make a ton of money off our insecurities. Took me a long time to realize that and to accept myself as I am. The sexiest and most beautiful women I know have plenty of curves and own it, their features are not perfect but it only adds character, they have winning personalities and a whole lotta heart. They are content and accept themselves; people can’t help but to find them irresistable. You’re a beautiful person, Shea. Own it!! Now! Not in another lifetime.

    • admin February 20, 2013 at 21:36 #

      Thanks Cindy :)

      • Cinday February 20, 2013 at 23:04 #

        YW It’s true.

        • admin February 21, 2013 at 00:26 #


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