The Body is an 8

As I was browsing through the online news today, as if there is any newspapers these days, I noticed an article about Paris Hilton and her new boyfriend going to the beach on yet another Hawaiin holiday – awwww how nice. I noticed quite a few articles here and there since her gay slur. I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that she made those remarks just to get back in the papers. Since Kim Kardashian bumped her off the front pages with a sex tape of her own, she got desperate and desperate people will do anything. Does she really need to stoop so low to get publicity for the nothing that she does? Apparently so when your best talent is laying on your back or being on your knees. My guess is, when she really runs out of idea, she’ll make another video. Next we’ll have warring sex tapes. Take notice girls, money does not buy you class as demonstrated by the aformentioned Ms. Hilton. It does not buy you friendship – looks like Nicole Richie headed for the hills. It does not buy you happiness either but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t help. She has not added anything to the world. She is in her 30′s and still makes a living partying if that tells you anything at all. She is loaded and often I have been jealous of her wealth and her ability to do what she wants when she wants with her endless amounts of money when I was really struggling. At least she’s not pretty or I would have downright hated her. Looking back, being face down dead in a ditch has given me character and strength to endure. Paris, on the other hand, is still stuck in her 20′s with no sign of progressing at all. Now I feel I am the richer person. What used to really sadden me was young girls looking up to her and her plastic lifestyle when they should strive to be someone of substance like Condi Rice who is as sharp as a tack. Now they look up to Kim Kardashian, which is equally sad. On a side note, and I say this with glee, Kim has really ballooned and has had way too much plastic surgery. She looks awful. She used to be slim and pretty and natural about 5 years ago but then again, who’s not pretty in their 20′s. Looks like her outsides finally caught up with her insides. Hopefully we won’t be hearing about her for much longer, especially since Honey Boo Boo and her mom are taking over. If you ask me, Kris Humphries got an easy out. I felt so sorry for him being treated the way he was by the Kardashian Klan – dispicable people. Anyways, I wanted to say to the all the girls out there that they don’t have to prostitute themselves for fame and money like Madonna has done her whole career. Look at her now -  embarrassing. Her schtick does not work once you are of a certain age. Growing up my role models were Olivia Newton-John and Marilyn Monroe and they never let me down. They were the epitome of grace and style and still are aside from Olivia’s overbotoxed face. Just be the best you can be and make your mark in the word. Rely on your brains, not your body. Remember the body is an 8 and the mind is a 10 :)


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